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Longhorns Captured on Canvas: Longhorn Paintings
October 31st, 2012 by Aldouspi

Longhorns Captured on Canvas: Longhorn Paintings

By: Eliz Guide

CC: Longhorns! by D.H. Parks
Longhorn paintings

Longhorn paintings are as an important part of Americana as any other piece of Western art. Many people own longhorn paintings and this art subject is also well displayed on prominent walls in museums, government buildings, and businesses.

Artists have enjoyed creating these animals on canvas for years. They are a very large, distinctive animal that carry their own mystique. To many people, they are like a walking piece of American history.

Longhorns were introduced to the Americas over 500 years ago. Some made their way to Mexico, while a few hundred were driven up to what is now called Texas. These cattle became what are now called Texas Longhorns.

A true distinguishing factor is their horns. The Texas breed, if you will, have horns that grow curved, but away from their face, while the other breeds have horns that are curved toward their face.

These animals were a part of the old West and remain a symbol of it today. This is just one of the reasons for the popularity of longhorn paintings. They had to survive harsh cold winters, summers of drought, vicious sand storms as well as predatory animals and humans. Much like the first settlers had to do.

It is their survival that gives them their mystery. Another piece that adds to that is how this animal was able to adapt and thrive during times that other animals could not. These are a few more reasons as to why there are so many longhorn paintings.

Most people think of the Texas longhorns when they think of this breed of cattle. They can get quite large with horns that can extend well beyond seven feet from tip to tip. They have beautiful coloring of blues, yellows, browns, reds, white and black, and some are speckled.

Despite their fierce aspect, longhorns are known for their gentle disposition, ease of raising and intelligence. They are raised as beef cattle and are considered a leaner beef than other cattle. For these reasons, it is no wonder that they have become so popular among ranchers.

Their coloring and demeanor is a good enough reason for the art. Their mass in size along with the intimidating size of their horns would make anyone want to keep a distance. these are tough looking critters of the Old West which fire and artist’s imagination.

These animals are very majestic creatures and are more like gentle giants than raging bulls. Although, if one gets spooked, watch out! Many artists have taken brush to canvas in an attempt to capture the essence of these animals – alone, in herds and in stampedes. Their strength and survival is a thing of beauty.

Longhorn paintings have grown in popularity as so many other pieces of American Western art have in recent years. Some are more like portraits taken of the cattle. A singular cow in the meadow or along a calm stream is a favorite depiction among artists.

Others paint the cattle drive that these animals were often a part of. Cattle drivers and their herds of longhorns often traveled down long dusty trails, through raging rivers, up rolling hills, and even through torrential snow storms along the plains.

These herds are often painted as part of landscapes of much of the Southwest. These facts make it no surprise that these pieces have been popular with Western art collectors for some time. Some artists paint them in abstract ways, others paint them in their natural scenery with almost life like appearance.

Betz Gallery is an expert in longhorn paintings, art print and reproductions.

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