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The Art Deco Women of Felix Mas
November 10th, 2012 by Aldouspi

The Art Deco Women of Felix Mas

By: Dominik Hussl

CC: Felix Mas – The Golden Mirror (2008) by Cea.
Felix Mas

Owning one of the many Felix Mas Paintings is not only a privilege, but an investment. These precious works have become more and more popular as the art world has discovered the amazing work he has done.

Felix Mas is not new to the art world, but many more people are getting the opportunity to experience his work as it makes tours around the country, overseas and also online. Many people describe his work as alluring and elegant. One look at any of his completed pieces and one is instantly overtaken by its beauty.

Felix Mas Paintings are primarily done in oil on canvas or serigraph on canvas. His coloring is beyond unique and truly one of a kind. He actually creates many of his own colors by using natural pigments.

This adds to the color range and uniqueness that can only be found in many of his pieces. It also creates a certain depth that is rarely seen.

Take a single look at one of his pieces and one cannot help but notice the depth of color and intricacy in a flower. Or the vast color range and dimension in a single peacock feather.

Many of the Kimonos that he has carefully brush stroked are done with such precise detail it amazes the mind. Gazing at the delicacy of the butterfly wings expresses the tenderness of the artist.

When someone looks at the variety of Felix Mas Paintings, they soon realize that they all seem to center around the female form, showcasing its femininity and grace. Women are brushed onto canvas to look like the goddesses they are, and some with a very alluring appeal.

Many are painted in their natural state only to be enhanced by his use of colors. Some observers note that the women seem to be looking off into the distance, leaving the viewer to use their own imagination as to what the woman may be thinking or gazing upon.

The artist was born in Barcelona, Spain in 1935, and that is where he currently resides and gets much of his inspiration.

He was a student of art from the beginning and is noted for doing some amazing work for numerous romantic comic series. In the early 1960’s, he worked as an illustrator in Scandinavia.

In the late 1960’s, he turned his attention back to the comic world and stayed in that work until the mid 1970’s. At that point, he decided to go back to what he was realizing was his true passion, painting.

Felix Mas received much of his training at the Escuela Superior de San Jorge and Artes y Oficios. He then traveled throughout a vast portion of Europe and in to the United States, furthering his education of the arts.

The inspiration behind Felix Mas Paintings comes from women around the world and from different periods of time. From parts of Asia, into Egypt and India, their beauty is enhanced by the artisans brush strokes and color choices.

He also has painted visions of women from ancient times in Rome and Greece. Each woman is dressed elegantly in either period or native clothing. Many have hair pieces that only accentuate the beauty of their features and dress.

When someone looks at any number of Felix Mas Paintings, they can get lost in the interpretation. This is purposely done by the artist, so that each piece can represent something completely different for each person that views it.

His work invokes emotion and fascination. Even someone that may not be enthusiastic about this type of art will succumb to each beauty that has been carefully stroked onto the canvas.

This is another reason that his work has become so popular. Not many artists can truly capture the soul of a woman on canvas like Felix Mas has been able to do. He truly celebrates all that makes a woman, a woman.

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Felix Mas Art For Sale

[phpbay]Felix Mas, 21, “”, “”[/phpbay]

Felix Mas – martin lawrence gallery

Felix Mas Martin Lawrence Gallery 366 Geary st San Francisco ca 94102

Felix Mas

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