Luminale is an is an international light culture festival which takes place every two years in Frankfurt-Rhine Main. The concept was developed in 2000 and implemented for the first time the 2002. After the initial years of rapid growth the festival has stabilized to approximately 170 events and has become one of the more significant architecture and design festivals in Europe. Luminale is a platform for ideas and innovations about light, energy efficiency, use of new technologies and materials and urban quality of life in our cities.
Featured at Luminale 2012 was ‘Resonate‘, a series of white elastic strings pulled across the interior of a container ship. Visitors were able to play with the strings and thus participate in the creation of an audiovisual performance. When fiddled with, the pulled strings produced sound and lighting effects, turning the room into a collective musical instrument.
‘Resonate’ was an interdisciplinary project between the Master students of the program “Interior Design- Spatial Communication” University of Applied Sciences Mainz and the Master program “Sound Art – Composition” Johannes Gutenberg University.
Visit the official Luminale site to learn more about the festival. Visit the official ‘Resonate‘ site to learn more about this specific installation.
