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Bikers Enjoy Their Pins as Much as Anyone Else
December 5th, 2012 by Aldouspi

Bikers Enjoy Their Pins as Much as Anyone Else

Article by Groshan Fabiola

If you are a biker you most likely wear some of your favorite biker pins. Often the pins you wear are simply an expression of who you are. Some of these pins you like more than others – that can be seen by the wear and tear your biker pins have suffered through. Bikers with the guts to withstand the ribbing and ridicule will sometimes wear recognition pins they have received through the years. These can be as simple as a recognition pin from your club members or recognition pins you have earned and saved through the years.

Most bikers will agree that what they look for in their favorite biker pins is detail – and more detail. This is generally because these pins will make you stand out from everybody else in the crowd. You know you have made your point when other bikers, even the general public, come up to you and let you know they really like your pin. There is a huge variety of pins for bikers. These include everything from the shape of a skull to a simple cross. The same can be said about recognition pins – except many of these are offered as a part of a custom participation pin that allows you to add one bar after another – each one below the previous one.

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