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Religion Pin-up: Contemplation by Sarah Louise
March 7th, 2013 by Aldouspi

This strong photograph captures both the costume of religion connect to the fashion style of pin-ups. This beautiful woman displays both an outer beauty and a spiritual inner beauty.

I see both a moment of inner contemplation and high heels!

Girl And Photography

Some Thoughts on Contemplation

An exercise long used among Christians for acquiring contemplation, one that is “available to everyone, whether he be of the clergy or of any secular occupation”, is that of focusing the mind by the constant repetition of a phrase or word. Saint John Cassian recommended use of the phrase “O God, make speed to save me: O Lord, make haste to help me”. Another formula for repetition is the name of Jesus or the Jesus Prayer, which has been called “the mantra of the Orthodox Church”, although the term “Jesus Prayer” is not found in the Fathers of the Church. The author of The Cloud of Unknowing and Other Works (Penguin Classics) recommended use of a monosyllabic word, such as “God” or “Love”. This exercise, which, for the early Fathers, was just a training for repose.

Contemplation is a very old and important meditation technique. The practitioner meditates deeply on subtle facts. In agnya vichaya, one contemplates on seven facts – life and non-life, the inflow, bondage, stoppage and removal of karmas, and the final accomplishment of liberation. In apaya vichaya, one contemplates on the incorrect insights one indulges, which eventually develops right insight. In vipaka vichaya, one reflects on the eight causes or basic types of karma. In sansathan vichaya, one thinks about the vastness of the universe and the loneliness of the soul.

Publisher’s note: One of my favorite focal points, is to think about my body as it is moving through space or (S)pace – separate from all concerns of or attachments to other matter.

The role of the Holy Spirit in contemplative prayer has been emphasized by Christian spiritual writers for centuries. In the 12th century Saint Bernard of Clairvaux compared the Holy Spirit to a kiss by the Eternal Father which allows the practitioner of contemplative prayer to experience union with God. In the 14th century Richard Rolle viewed contemplation as the path that leads the soul to union with God in love, and considered the Holy Spirit as the center of contemplation.

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What is the Difference Between Meditation and Contemplation?

Father John and Dan Burke discuss the difference between meditation and contemplation.

Read more …

Religion Pin-up

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