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Arizona Stupid Laws
April 5th, 2013 by Aldouspi

Arizona Stupid Laws

Arizona Stupid Laws

Arizona and Tennessee seem to be in competition for who can impose the cruelest and dumbest laws on its citizens. In Tennessee, the legislature is moving forward with a bill to deduct 30% of TANF benefits to families whose children do not perform well in school.

In Arizona, we see yet another bathroom policing law, attempting to prevent people who identify with a gender different from what they were born with from using the bathroom they prefer. To get as far as trying to regulate this sort of thing, it must be keeping some folks up at night. I don’t know why. Maybe real social problems are too complex for their little minds.

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    Of course, the current Arizona legislators do not hold a patent on passing stupid laws. Check out this website to find more dumb state laws…
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    Of course, Arizona stupid laws does not stop with the one cartooned here. Discover more dumbness in Arizona at this site:
    DUMB LAWS OF AMERICA: ARIZONA ~ Insane Asylum Blog


    #insaneasylumblog- Throughout history there have been laws passed and laws removed from the books. Depending on what era you grew up in, I'm sure all the laws made sense at that time. As time has progressed, some of

    And finally, for a nice rundown of many of the states and their desire to control our lives in wacky ways, I direct you to this webpage which lists dumb laws from A to Z…
    messymimi's meanderings: A to Z Challenge: D is for Dumb Laws


    Bigger Girl loves dumb laws — those silly laws that shouldn't have been passed or which should have been repealed long ago. (In fact, some of them may have been , but they are still funny.) A few favorites, at least one from

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Stupid State Laws – Arizona

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Arizona Stupid Laws

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