On most issues I try to avoid a partisan perspective, because both parties have played a hand in creating the war-ravaged, poorly regulated, poor-punishing state of our society. One party is sensible enough to view this as a problem, but is either too ineffectual or too indebted to its corporate donors to do what really needs doing. The other party is pretty callous, cold and without shame. But this current shutdown of the government can be blamed squarely on the shoulders of the Republicans in Congress, particularly the House, where a determined group of ideologues have cowed the establishment. We have seen this scenario many times before. Were people not suffering as a result of losing the government programs that serve them, this whole thing would be comical.
Publisher’s Note: I certainly agree with the cartoonist that the Republicans are the ones who stupidly shut down the government recently. But I think the artist above is wrong to suggest that the Democrats have not done anything. They actually have solved problems – not only recently like ending the Iraq war, but historically.
Democrats put us on the road to the moon. They gave us Civil Rights and Medicare. The gave us clean air and water, despite Richard Nixon’s veto of these basic environmental protection laws. They took the internet from a basic military tool to a public tool. They have repeatedly increased the minimum wage.
And, of course, now we have the Affordable Care Act – which is on its way to fundamentally improving the health of this nation for generations to come.
To be blunt, Democrats are Life and Republicans are Death.
Next time you vote think of this: Do you want a better life or a quicker death?
‘Nuff said.
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Some Toilet Humor References
Did you celebrate World Toilet Day on November 19th? No, don’t feel left out. Check out the video on this page:
C4, Ep.86: Self-Deprecation And Toilet Humor | Beijing Cream
Sun, 01 Dec 2013 06:00:57 GMT
Today on C4: A celebration of World Toilet Day — Well Stuart, how many times a year do you go to the toilet ? Ah yes, you know this one is going to be good.
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For more toilet humor , discover out why going to the bathroom is a good idea before anchoring a news cast. See the page for more info…
Evening Open Thread: A little toilet humor … | Sky Dancing
Wed, 20 Nov 2013 01:46:11 GMT
Good Evening Ya, let's have some laughs…a little infantile…but there is a reason for my madness. Let me explain. Earlier today, my mom and dad were farting around on the web, after my dad made some observations that the …
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If you have ever been locked inside a bathroom, you might not think that is funny. On the other hand, check out this bathroom story:
Another Bathroom Story or, “Toilet Humor .” | Mary Fons
Wed, 06 Nov 2013 12:31:32 GMT
Another Bathroom Story or, “Toilet Humor .” Tweet. We hang out. I locked myself in the bathroom Monday night and against all odds, with nothing but human ingenuity and good old fashioned fear, I escaped. The bathroom I …
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The Dirtiest Toilet Humor Book Ever
I am speechless. The Dirtiest Toilet Humor Book Ever is the most disgusting, crude book I have ever read. I am ashamed to say my son wrote this. Where did I go wrong? -Mother of Author Michael Ryan, too embarrassed to give her name…
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Toilet Humour
A man gets more than he bargains for when he uses a public toilet.
Toilet Humor