A few nice Pin-up images I found:
The Big Cat

Image by Christina Saint Marche
I simply know how to get my Big Cat to calm down. A little petting never hurts.
The Value of Our Time

Image by Christina Saint Marche
It’s not about money. Most anyone can write a check for charity. Its about the time most of us simply don’t have available. And yet, we all seem to find the time in our day to change someone’s life even if just by saying "hello" to a stranger. A very wise man once told me; "The only time a person should look down at another is when that person is extending his or her hand to help a stranger to get up on their feet." Small words add up to novels especially at this time of the year. Being nice to someone is a gift with no price tag attached.
The Late Donny Hathaway was a great singer…just take a listen. It’s 4 minutes of your time. If this doesn’t get you in the mood …well, your probably on Santa’s Naughty List…laughing.
Allen P – Hollywood Swing’n

Image by Christina Saint Marche