Hi everyone! It’s been a while since I’ve last posted anything. I’ve been busy working. The contract work that I’m doing requires I do 100 drawings. My subject is The Great Gatsby. It’s fun, just A LOT of work. Here’s a little sneak peek:
Also next month, May, my friend Regina and I will have a table at FanimeCon 2014. (The link is on the side) I’m looking forward to that and seeing everyone! More info on where our table will be posted later. Here’s a look at what you may expect to see at Fanime: here. I will definitely update more.
Anyway, I recently found out that USAIAMHOTTEST and 2OD (2OneDay) collaborated on a t-shirt. Remember how a while back I helped design pillowcases? Well, the design of the paper airplanes used for the pillowcases was featured on a shirt! CHECK IT OUT! You all are free to order through USAIAMHOTTEST by May 11. I thought I’d share with everyone to those who are 2PM fans! 
Hope you all have a wonderful week! 