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Exercise – Burn and Crash Cartoon by Kevin Moore
June 27th, 2014 by Aldouspi

I joined a gym this week. After ten minutes on the elliptical and another twenty on the recumbent stationary bike, I felt that endorphin rush of accomplishment. Then I got home and bonked out. It was great, though. I’ll do it all over again tomorrow.



A Few Thoughts on Exercise

The only yoga stretch I’ve perfected is the yawn.

Seriously, one way I stay in shape while typing on the computer, is this simple break I take every so often.

I use one of those streaming radio sites called Pandora – which plays songs and often displays the related lyrics. When a song – I can sing – comes along with the words included, I will stop computering and sing.

I tighten my diaphragm muscles, for good breath support, and burst out in my quavery voice “that I have loved you for a thousand years. I will love you for a thousand more…” or maybe “we all live on a yellow submarine…”

I am learning a multitude of songs, while exercising my stomach and jaw muscles. I work on breathing right and I sit up straighter.

This does not burn a lot of calories, I imagine, nor is it a heavy workout. But it is exercise – and a little extra movement here and a little extra movement there – adds up to a stronger body and more calories burnt in the day, than would otherwise happen.

By the way, does running late count as exercise?

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