Mexico Pin-up Relating information From this author’s viewpoint, I don’t agree that the idealized female figure has become thin, just look at the pin-up images from Mexico – they are voluptuous! But some celebrities have made thinness fashionable from time to time. Indeed, the fashion industry has confused us all on this subject.There are centuries of documentation of female beauty, and except for ours, the trend is fairly consistent: beautiful women are shapely, soft, and rounded – like the Mexican beauty shown above. What a contrast is that traditional portrayal of female beauty to our current ideal – the waif-like figure introduced by Twiggy and popularized by the likes of Kate Moss!
When it comes to Pin-up images from Mexico, there is a rich heritage to draw on. Not only is there the current Mexican culture with all its female beauty, but think of the wild beauty of the Aztec and Mayan woman. An artist in Mexico should never run out of inspiration…
Mexican Calendar Girls  Mexican calendar girls, produced from the 1930s to the 1960s, are popular throughout the U.S. and Mexico. The art form is traced for the first time in this bilingual book, with over 150 of the vibrant paintings and includes biographies of the artists and the social circumstances of the calendars. Read more …
Find another beauty from Mexico on a bicycle here: Friday Pin Up. From Mexico – Pin*up – News – FAT BMX It's Friday so you know what that means. Almost weekend? Also. But it's time for FATBMX's Pin Up of the week. Nothing all too vulgar this time and it doesn't need to be. Girl poses with BMX bike. That's all it takes. You don't …Read more …
MTV Best of Mexico  A quirky, entertaining, and insightful collection of hip travel guides for young travelers brings a fresh perspective to Old World destinations to offer helpful tips on the hottest cities and regions, accommodations, and eateries for a variety of budgets, the hottest things to see and do, detailed city maps, activities and nightlife, outdoor adventures, and no-cost museums, complementary entertainment, and free bar food. Read more … |