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California Earthquake Cartoon by Scott Harker
August 24th, 2014 by Aldouspi

Highway Road Sign Entering California


Highway Road Sign Reads “Welcome To California
Watch Out For Falling Buildings”

Many years ago, I began to create computer art with a program called Dabbler. This is an old cartoon I did for a newspaper I published, using this software. While an old cartoon – is still relevant today…

Notes on Earthquakes

It continues to be a matter of probabilities:
In the 1970s, scientists were optimistic that a practical method for predicting earthquakes would soon be found, but by the 1990s continuing failure led many to question whether it was even possible. While some scientists still hold that, given enough resources, prediction might be possible, many others maintain that earthquake prediction is inherently impossible.

Note that an increase in detected earthquake numbers does not necessarily represent an increase in earthquakes per se. Population increase, habitation spread, and advances in earthquake detection technology all contribute to higher earthquake numbers being recorded over time. <

Makes sense to me: In some Indian cultures, they believed that the earth was a giant platform that was supported by eight mighty elephants. Earthquakes were caused by one of the elephants getting tired and lowering its head thus disrupting the balance of the earth.

At the Earth’s surface, earthquakes manifest themselves by a shaking and sometimes displacement of the ground. When a large earthquake epicenter is located offshore, the seabed sometimes suffers sufficient displacement to cause a tsunami. The shaking in earthquakes can also trigger landslides and occasionally herald volcanic activity.

Four out of every 5 tsunamis that happen occur in the region called the Ring of Fire. This region that rings the Pacific Ocean basis has some of the most active plate boundaries in the world. If a major earthquake happens here is it will definitely be strong enough to cause a tsunamis.

Each major earthquake is a wake up call for Californians to develop, update, or maintain their own earthquake preparedness plans. If you live within 15 miles of an active seismic fault and/or liquefiable area, you should re-consider retrofitting your home and mitigating its contents to protect yourself and your family. The benefits of seismic retrofitting and mitigation go well beyond being simply reducing financial losses. It will make your home safer and help in returning your family much more quickly back to their normal life style.

In addition, re-considering earthquake insurance would help in managing potential costs of future earthquakes. Finally, develop an earthquake preparedness plan that includes maintaining emergency food and water for 1-2 weeks along with personal survival kits and a household emergency kit.

    Earthquake Art For Sale

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Larva cartoon (2011) Episode Earthquake

Larva cartoon (2011) Episode Earthquake.

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