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Amazing Tape Art by Max Zorn
October 2nd, 2014 by Aldouspi

In the world of art you think, sometimes, that it has all been done… Then along comes another artist to break you fears about art’s creativity into a million pieces. In this case, pieces of tape!

packing tape art by max zorn (5)


Amsterdam-based artist Max Zorn places multiple layers of brown packing tape on acrylic glass sheets. The more layers of tape he uses, the darker the shades become. He then uses an X-Acto knife to cut and shape the various layers. However, it’s not until a light source (like a lamp, light box or sunlight) is activated that the artworks come to life and truly take form.

Zorn says the idea to use packing tape began with his street art:

“There’s a lot of great street art by day, but it disappears after dark. I wanted to come up with urban art that uses nighttime as a setting, and there was nothing more inviting than the street lamps in Amsterdam. In the beginning I used packing tape to fill in larger sections of my marker drawings. Once I hung them on street lamps, the light’s effect opened up new ideas with ditching markers and just using tape.” [source]


Below you will find a selection of Zorn’s amazing work (with many available to purchase through his website).



packing tape art by max zorn (4)

Artwork by MAX ZORN
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packing tape art by max zorn (1)

Artwork by MAX ZORN
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packing tape art by max zorn (3)

Artwork by MAX ZORN
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packing tape art by max zorn (8)

Artwork by MAX ZORN
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packing tape art by max zorn (7)

Artwork by MAX ZORN
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packing tape art by max zorn (14)

Artwork by MAX ZORN
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packing tape art by max zorn (13)

Artwork by MAX ZORN
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packing tape art by max zorn (9)

Artwork by MAX ZORN
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packing tape art by max zorn (2)

Artwork by MAX ZORN
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packing tape art by max zorn (6)

Artwork by MAX ZORNPurchase



packing tape art by max zorn (16)

Artwork by MAX ZORN
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packing tape art by max zorn (17)

Artwork by MAX ZORN
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packing tape art by max zorn (15)

Artwork by MAX ZORN
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Max Zorn
Tape Art Timelapse

    Tape Art Related Items For Sale

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