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Cartoon: Great Reasons to Have Kids by Kevin Moore
April 17th, 2015 by Aldouspi

To breed or not to breed? Are both conditions okay?


Breed if you want to. Don’t breed if you don’t want to.

I’m a parent. I love my kids. I wanted to have children, so I did. I know a lot of people who don’t want to have children, and they have made the wise decision to not have them. Who needs more resentful, angry, unwilling parents in the world?

Yet some of my fellow child-havers feel it their duty to shame the child-have-nots for not taking on the responsibility of childrearing. Recently the NY Times ran a lifestyle article on what it considers a trend, the “child-free.” This prompted hand-wringing. The STFU Parents Twitter (corresponding to one of my top ten favorite blogs) hipped me to this long-winded, philosopher name dropping essay in response to the Times piece; after all the Kant, Aristotle, Plato and whatnot, the author winds up with, “Well, ya might regret NOT having kids, ya know?”

That prompted this cartoon. The arguments child-havers make to guilt the child-have-nots are simply ridiculous.



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News About Over Population

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