Pinup Arena
The erotic appeal of see thru clothing is certainly revealed with this piece of pin-up artwork. For centuries, teasing with clothes has been a fashion and an art form. Whether it is showing an ankle during the Victorian age, a nipple reveal at a prestigious award ceremony or stage performance, or just the regular fashion of a bikini at the beach, what is seen in comparison to what is not seen maybe controversial or delightful…
This is true in the world of art as well as in the “real” world. Everyday, what is sexy depends upon the viewer. Sometimes what is sexy is left to the imagination, other times one wants to see almost everything. With see thru clothing, though, you have this constant battle of deciding between what to reveal and what to leave to the imagination. Women can drive men crazy with their fashion choices…
I believe the artist of this pin-up has done an excellent technical job of showing the excitement of seeing through a fabric of cloth. Whatever costume this pin-up is wearing is very sheer indeed!
Recent History of See Through ClothingThe trend for sheer fashions was encouraged in late 1980s by the manipulation of television soap series Dynasty and Dallas. Celebs like Brooke Shields and Cindy Crawford were the major contributors in this regard, but Demi Moore was the basic source of inspiration for the popularity of see through clothing. Her movie Striptease caused a huge buzz in the fashion and fame industry. Her see through lingerie was and still is considered as one of the best on screen see through appearances of all times. In the late 1990s, however, as the trend died down, stars, models, and socialites were attracted more by silk and leather rather than see through. Occasional items were seen on celebrities, but there was no major see through trend in the fashion industry overall. See through clothing comes and goes, but some fashion designer is working with it right now… |