Here are two books that will be of interest to anyone who likes erotic fine art. The first book looks at the great variety of Western erotic art. The second book displays the more stylistic Shunga sexual art of Japan.

A fine art hardcover from Taschen that focuses on the naughty habits! The sexual imagery of this book covers an incredible range, from Dali’s photorealistic faux to Tom of Finland-style comic-book smut. Paintings, mechanisms, performance, and some creations that defy easy categories, they’re all here.
In fact, it does contain a ton of erotic pieces of art. Most of these works are beautiful and very well done, but depending upon your tastes, there are several that border on straight up pornography.
List Price: $ 19.99
Price: $ 13.15

- Used Book in Good Condition
Featuring paintings, handscrolls, prints, and illustrated books of erotica produced in Japan between 1600 and 1900, Shunga showcases some of the finest examples of Japanese erotic art, created with opulent materials and special printing effects. This book includes work by Kitagawa Utamaro (1753-1806) and Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849), who produced erotic imagery as a standard part of their work.
The erotic encounters depicted in shunga reflect multiple perspectives–male, female, he
List Price: $ 45.00
Price: $ 27.12
=> News and Video About Western Erotic Art Below
Western Erotic Art and Shunga Art For Sale
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