From MEOW 5 space 102 east gallery, we have cat art and statues from Japanese designers and artists as Akiko & Kyouko Kikuchi & cat…

Seen above, delightful cat collaboration between mother and daughter KYOUKO KIKUCHI & AKIKO KIKUCHI with MAN (right of photo), who together have filled their space with illustration, ceramic cups, objects, fashion and ……..well ,let’s just show you some of this incredible creativity shall we?
Firstly, let’s have a closer look at mum Kikuchi’s intricately detailed diorama which took 1 month in the making!

AND!!!……….tiny,tiny miniature illustrated books, objet design by mum and inside art by daughter!

Next , T-shirts & illustration by AKIKO……..

and here are Man’s paintings, cups & sundries!

and last but certainly not least these amazing iphone “cat on the loo” stands!!, agin from objet creator & mother Kyouko!

Design Festa English Blog
Book About Cat Art
TITLE: Fat Cat Art: Famous Masterpieces Improved by a Ginger Cat with Attitude

“It’s official. That thing that classic art has been missing is a chubby reclining kitty.” —The Huffington Post Internet meme meets classical art in Svetlana Petrova’s brilliant Fat Cat Art. Featuring her twenty-two-pound, ginger-colored cat Zarathustra superimposed onto some of the greatest artworks of all time, Petrova’s paintings are an Internet sensation. Now fans will have the ultimate full-color collection of her work, including several never-before-seen pieces, to savor for themselves or to give as a gift to fellow cat lovers. From competing with Venus’s sexy reclining pose (and almost knocking her off her chaise lounge in the process) in Titian’s Venus of Urbino, to exhibiting complete disdain as he skirts away from God’s pointing finger in Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam, Zarathustra single-handedly rewrites art history in the way that only an adorable fat cat can.
Read more …
=> News and Video About Japanese Cats Below
Japanese Cat Related Items For Sale
[phpbay]Japanese cat, 15, “”, “”[/phpbay]
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