Lucky girl, she works at home and does not need to dress up for work. Lucky us, Russian artist Nikolai Tudi has drawn a pin-up of this very casually dressed lady taking a break from working at her tablet.
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Pin Up and Cartoon Girls
Books About Russian Art
TITLE: Russian Folk Art (Indiana-Michigan Series in Russian and East European Studies)
“… a significant contribution to Russian art history in any language. Her book proves invaluable for serious specialists, useful as a textbook for students, and informative for all interested in the subject.” — The Russian Review “The book is a treasure for anyone interested in Russian culture.” — Antique Review “… intelligent, well-written, beautifully edited and handsomely produced… wealth of detail and interpretive perspectives… ” — Canadian Folklore Russian Folk Art describes the traditions, styles, and functions of a broad range of objects made by Russian peasant artists and artisans, from goblets and dippers to clothing and window frames. Abundantly illustrated with examples from Russian museums.
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TITLE: [The Uncommon Vision of Sergei Konenkov, 1874-1971: A Russian Sculptor and His Times] (By: Marie Turbow) [published: March, 2001]
Sergei Konenkov was one of the 20th century’s most distinguished Russian artists. After spending over 20 years in the United States, he returned to the Soviet Union in 1945 to become a respected member of the Soviet art world. The mentor to an entire generation of Soviet sculptors, he was renowned for his personal charisma and artistic versatility. This collection of essays, interviews and personal reminiscences is an appraisal of his work.
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=> News and Video About Russian Art Below
Russian Pin-up Art For Sale
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