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The World's Greatest Erotic Art of Today – Volume 2
June 8th, 2010 by Aldouspi

Product Description
An Exquisite Coffee Table Book showcasing an impressive collection of over 200 unique erotic artworks of 160 talented artists and photographers from around the world…. More >>

The World’s Greatest Erotic Art of Today – Volume 2

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One Response  
  • wiredweird writes:
    June 8th, 20102:41 pmat

    This outstanding collection presents a broad sampling of what “erotic” means, something that probably changes again for every pairing of artist and viewer. Chapters separate the works into fine art, photography, digital art, and sculpture categories. I wouldn’t take those divisions too seriously though. Most photography these days is digital; lots of digital art starts from scans of traditional media or from photos.

    Just the first few pages of the collection give some idea of the range of approaches: happy intimacy between man (more or less) and woman, separate appeals to the erotic potential of male and female figures, harsh semi-abstractions, and delicately rendered fantasy themes with startling s/m elements. Styles vary from amusing modern riffs on shunga traditions, to photorealistic, to rubbery abstractions, to goth/manga fusion, to Beardsley-esque pen drawings, to just about anything else you can name. Imagery captures an equally wide spectrum of expression: men and women alone or in any combination, appeals to broad or to oddly specialized interests, lingerie from incidental to exotically fetishistic, humor, hard edges, affection, or wit. When so many works cross boundaries or combine multiple elements, crisp distinctions often fail, and can dilute the pictures’ juicy intensity with cerebral dryness.

    As with any collection that represents many views, some are views that I don’t share. This offers plenty that I do enjoy, however, and the other challenge the viewer without blatantly offending. You, of course, will have a different experience of these works than I do. So go ahead – give it a shot and see what your experience or experiences of this lovely book will be.

    — wiredweird
    Rating: 5 / 5

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