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Supergirl Pin-up Art For Sale
November 23rd, 2010 by Aldouspi

Supergirl Pin-up Art auctions on eBay:

[phpbay]Supergirl Pin-up, 17, “”, “”[/phpbay]

Supergirl Pin-up related articles from the blogosphere…

Retrospace: Supergirl #4: Smoking Hot Fashion Plate from Krypton

Of all the possible views and perspectives, this is what the artist chose…. a close-up of her ass. Jesus, her head is not even in the frame, and the “enemy attack” is almost pointless compared to the very detailed and shaded Supergirl

Publish Date: 11/23/2010 6:20

'Smallville' – Supergirl |

And Vandervoort keeps it fun, with photo shoots featuring numerous Supergirl costumes (with talk of a superhero pinup calendar) and secret disguises, all the while winking at the fundamentals of the franchise and the future of Clark …

Publish Date: 10/15/2010 14:20

PINUP! New photo of Laura Vandervoort as Supergirl from the 10th

Only a cape and an S away! This is the 10th and final season of Smaville, one that producers have promised will include ‘tights & flights’ for Clark!

Publish Date: 09/29/2010 17:11

From PinUps to Ass-Kickers: Girls in Comics Go Through

From PinUps to Ass-Kickers: Girls in Comics Go Through Transitions. By Shaun Huston. 16 Nov 2010. The original Supergirl and her readers would no doubt be scandalized by the current length of her skirt and exposed skin, not to mention …

Publish Date: 11/15/2010 23:00

Good Girls of DC Comics

This is a rundown of most of the premiere DC Comics superheroines in their various pinups, titles, and covers. All characters are owned by DC Comics.

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