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Prehistoric pin-up: by Nature Video
November 29th, 2010 by Aldouspi

Prehistoric pin-up: by Nature Video

A carved female figurine dating to at least 35000 years ago has been recovered from caves in the Hohle Fels region of Germany. The figure represents the oldest figurative art yet discovered. In this film the authors describe the importance of their find. To read the associated Nature paper visit:
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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10 Responses  
  • TelcontarRulz writes:
    November 29th, 20104:00 pmat

    It’s impossible to find the whole story in history. Much of it ends up as being guided speculation and modern scientists seem to think that speculation is taboo. (Personally, I enjoy speculation, but I write fiction.)

    Moreover, this is a TV interview and the media tends to ignore minorities and support the views of the majority (or those in power, whichever one pays more). The media also doesn’t like possibilties. It likes certainties. Stupid, I know, but that’s the way it rolls.

  • jimisru writes:
    November 29th, 20104:47 pmat

    And producing children is not the be all and end all of human existence.

    In many cultures gays and lesbians were revered as spiritual and tribal leaders.

    Heterosexuals make up the majority, but the majority story is not the entire story, which is what archaelogists are meant to find.

    Research Two Spirit in Native American cultures, or the works of Melodome Some. Or read the book on We Wha.

    To ignore possibilities is not good science.

  • TelcontarRulz writes:
    November 29th, 20105:13 pmat

    How much of our art depicts heterocentric ideas and how much of it depicts homocentric ideas?

    These are archaeologists. They form a story in their heads about a society and in all societies, heterosexuals make up the majority. That’s just a fact of life. Besides, if you look at ancient cultures, they were very concerned with having children. I’m not saying that it’s wrong to be a homosexual, but homosexual relationships on their own don’t produce children.

  • jimisru writes:
    November 29th, 20105:26 pmat

    So that means there is a ten percent chance it was a lesbian goddess.

    Science is not based on guesses.

    He could say, we assume based on probability, but it could also be….

  • TelcontarRulz writes:
    November 29th, 20105:27 pmat


    It’s a matter of probability.

  • jimisru writes:
    November 29th, 20105:54 pmat

    Why do archaeologists assume these heterocentric ideas?

    Perhaps it was a lesbian goddess figure.

  • MsArgentana writes:
    November 29th, 20106:42 pmat

    gracias por aparecer en youtube. junto a todas las demàs venus, desde la menos antigua en chatal huyuk, pasando por los juguetes de Susa y retrocediendo en la antiguedad, cereo tendiramos que escribir nuevamente la historia paleolitica de la sociedad humana. HERMOSA

  • DeathShamans writes:
    November 29th, 20107:37 pmat

    you haven’t seen anything yet, mother earth knows when we are ready for herstory and will reveal more and more as she recognizes we are ready for the origial holy grail : )

  • RhondaH writes:
    November 29th, 20108:17 pmat

    Fascinating discovery.

  • DeletedDelusion writes:
    November 29th, 20108:40 pmat

    To be honest, it looks like a broiler chicken to me.

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