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Old Hollywood pinup makeup for blondes Plus Hollywood Pin-ups
June 12th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Old Hollywood pinup makeup for blondes Plus Hollywood Pin-ups

It’s hard to picture Old Hollywood stars like Marilyn Monroe and Ava Gardner without their cherry red lips and thick black liner. Thanks to these timelessly glamorous stars, the retro pin up makeup look has been prized by women for decades. With bold colors and minimal application, the pretty look turns any 21st century girl into a bonafide MGM screen siren. Check this look out for yourself (and try it if you like it!) by watching this video. Those interested in how to apply eyeliner only can skip directly to 4:23 🙂 The main products I used are the following: compact: Diorskin Nude 020 light eye shadow: Chanel 60 ivory grey eye shadow: Sisley 17 stardust eyeliner: L’Oreal mascara: Lancome Hypnose (even though I still prefer Maybelline’s Define-a-Lash Lengthening Washable mascare) eyebrow palette: Sephora 01 blush: Chanel 55 in love lipgloass: Christian Dior Addict Ultra Gloss 767 (and as the name suggests, I’m totally addicted to this one!!) Video Rating: 4 / 5

50’s Pin-up Makeup Look

A pretty simple Pinup/ 50’s makeup look. Be my friend on Facebook: My other channel about my life: For a detailed list of products used go to: Video Rating: 4 / 5

Hollywood Pin-up For Sale

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50 Responses  
  • buttonsandsmiles writes:
    June 12th, 20111:29 amat

    You are so beautiful!

  • claudsepedz06 writes:
    June 12th, 20111:50 amat

    Christian Dior have amazing products, I have their lipstick that has this nude pinkish shade and I totally love it!

  • lsk632 writes:
    June 12th, 20112:28 amat


  • doublecrosserfm writes:
    June 12th, 20112:43 amat

    you are adorable and charming 🙂

  • dmoneyvazquezz7 writes:
    June 12th, 20112:50 amat

    yes! for months i’ve been looking for a natural make-up tutorial for my green eyes. even tho yours are blue but i like ur technique and im deffinitely going to start using it <3 thankkk youu * (:

  • elizerxoxo writes:
    June 12th, 20113:20 amat

    Could I use eyeshadow for my eyebrows?

  • SingStarDaniela writes:
    June 12th, 20113:46 amat

    Are you polish??

    me 2!

  • SeraphimKiss writes:
    June 12th, 20114:15 amat

    I’m so glad you have some makeup tutorials because your makeup is always flawless, and your eyes especially always look gorgeous. But what I love most about this video is seeing your natural beauty. I find both looks equally beautiful in different ways. 🙂

  • theenglishrose99 writes:
    June 12th, 20114:51 amat

    you live in paris? it must be so expensive whats your job?

  • juanitalies writes:
    June 12th, 20115:08 amat

    one word…………………MADONNA 😀

  • JanaSklibova writes:
    June 12th, 20115:13 amat

    And what about dark brown eyed wavy-haired girls? 🙂

  • brieb3721 writes:
    June 12th, 20115:39 amat

    you are very beautiful

  • mysticpreu writes:
    June 12th, 20116:10 amat

    you look like madonna in the 80’s

  • rebi247 writes:
    June 12th, 20117:00 amat

    I thing you are more beautiful without any make up.
    You dont’t need any make up,you are naturally beautiful!!!!

  • pvigo424 writes:
    June 12th, 20117:30 amat

    I am blonde w/ hazel eyes. Thank you so much for this presentation. I loved it and will try it tomorrow.

  • PinkisKink writes:
    June 12th, 20117:32 amat

    Lilithe, could you mail me back and tell what color and brand your hair dye is, and what lipstick you used in this video?

  • theNeverangel writes:
    June 12th, 20118:10 amat

    Why do you put blush on your chin?

  • starkeymann writes:
    June 12th, 20118:36 amat

    @gothiccitizen I thought that too!

  • gothiccitizen writes:
    June 12th, 20119:02 amat

    in a way you remind me of alice in wonderland =)

  • PolkaDotCrazy1029 writes:
    June 12th, 20119:35 amat


  • PolkaDotCrazy1029 writes:
    June 12th, 20119:43 amat


  • 92asmapatel writes:
    June 12th, 201110:39 amat

    Why would you wear make up when you don’t even need it?

    You are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo pretty!

  • rosewoman1979 writes:
    June 12th, 201111:04 amat

    wow pense que solo hacias peinados eres wonderful amiga

  • lilithedarkmoon writes:
    June 12th, 201111:18 amat

    @dotsalot1 aww thank you, so kind of you to say! 🙂 X

  • lilithedarkmoon writes:
    June 12th, 201112:17 pmat

    @cHr15T1naMB yeah, it’s totally fantastic! since I found it, I’m totally in love and seems like it will be a very long term exclusive relationship, haha :))

  • courtneycoston writes:
    June 12th, 20111:09 pmat

    you are FIERCE. just subscribed, how could i not?! your eyes are freaking gorgeous too btw!

  • Choose1Life writes:
    June 12th, 20111:43 pmat

    You look gorgeous! Like Alice in Wonderland, I love this look on you!! Subscribed 🙂

  • bonita33diva writes:
    June 12th, 20112:28 pmat

    I purchased eye lashes but i can’t put them on, i don’t know how 2 put them on and i hope that they are not 2 thick. I’m just a mess!!!!!!!! LOL

  • lailanie94 writes:
    June 12th, 20113:22 pmat


  • agilefuseconsulting writes:
    June 12th, 20113:42 pmat

    New exciting features are hitched on to our youtube url grabber! Videos can now be downloaded from youtube, and you can even convert them into mp3! Downloading files has never been this easy. Go to and see it for yourself!

    June 12th, 20113:51 pmat

    love ur face and videos… and ur straight to the point ! i do like ur new pin up look better, but i thought i’d check this one out since u put the link in the new one 🙂

  • jacqidollhouse writes:
    June 12th, 20113:56 pmat

    you’re freaking dope!!!!! lol

  • webdivauk writes:
    June 12th, 20114:31 pmat

    Love it! Finally someone else who uses Springsheen it’s my favourite blusher

  • SultryMakeup writes:
    June 12th, 20114:44 pmat

    Your eyes are so gorgeous! Awesome work here! You look amazing with that Ruby Woo! I just bought it yesterday and I am in love with it!

  • chakazulu87 writes:
    June 12th, 20114:58 pmat

    Your one of my faves, your skills are sick !!!! BTW that liner looked so smooth and creamy. A true dark black.

  • lamblover24 writes:
    June 12th, 20115:43 pmat

    Hi! I just found you today, and I want to say this look is absolutely beautiful! I will def be doing a look like this tomorrow! You have a wonderful technique also! Can’t wait to watch some more of your videos! 😉

  • hidejahzaimah writes:
    June 12th, 20116:02 pmat

    Beatface, I love you! This video justmade me so joyful. on my way to get my cream eyeliner…

  • hidejahzaimah writes:
    June 12th, 20116:20 pmat

    Beatface, I love you! This video justmade me so joyful. on my way to get my cream eyeliner…

  • assasinwife writes:
    June 12th, 20116:32 pmat

    ur really pretty and love ur eyes

  • starfish1863 writes:
    June 12th, 20117:10 pmat


  • KelsieAEardley writes:
    June 12th, 20118:05 pmat

    I just found your channel and i’m soooo glad i did!! I love what you do in every single video =)

  • xARGHxIMAxPIRATEx writes:
    June 12th, 20118:07 pmat

    you are so pretty and you are extremely talented. i love your videos! keep doing what you do 🙂

  • ririfenty4life1 writes:
    June 12th, 20118:39 pmat

    Do you bleach your mustasche?

  • christabella201 writes:
    June 12th, 20119:31 pmat

    Wow…..!!!! Just came across ur vids and
    had to SUB mami!!! This is awesome and so detailed and precise….on point!!

  • QueenChristy writes:
    June 12th, 201110:26 pmat

    @MikaBrooks06 she said contour 🙂 try looking for some nose contour videos on yt

  • jazziebebe writes:
    June 12th, 201110:35 pmat

    I’ve always liked the pin-up look…..& I tend 2 do my face similar 2 u’r vid……props 2 u hun, I love u’r work!!!!


  • irenekaridas97 writes:
    June 12th, 201111:16 pmat

    u remind me of christina aguilera 😉

  • BeautyAshleyify writes:
    June 12th, 201111:21 pmat

    This is very pretty..!

  • TheLovelee1 writes:
    June 13th, 201112:06 amat

    I need all the help I can get. I don’t know anything about applying make up and your vidoes are really helpful to me. Thank you.

  • 19gloria56 writes:
    June 13th, 201112:18 amat

    wow this is gorgeous 🙂

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