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Vintage Cowgirl Hair and Makeup Plus Cowgirl Boots
September 30th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Vintage Cowgirl Hair and Makeup Plus Cowgirl Boots

Cowgirl look based loosely on Betty Hutton from ‘Annie Get Your Gun’, Jessie the Yodeling Cowgirl, and Pin Up Cowgirls of Gil Elvgren. Mix this up however you like, but don’t forget to find you a vintage style hat! 🙂 Music : Cowgirl Yodel #3-Nora Jane Struthers: Nora Jane’s vintage style blog: Anything You Can Do-Bing and the Andrews Sisters

Books About Cowgirl Boots and Cowboy Boots

    See this TITLE: Cowboy Boots

    Flowers, steer heads, horses, crosses, initials, hearts, cacti, horseshoes – it’s all stitched on a pair of cowboy boots somewhere, and certainly pictured within this treasure for collectors, fans of the craftsmanship, or anyone in the market for a new pair. “Cowboy Boots” is a close up look at some of the most impressive designs from the most prestigious and famed bootmakers in the world. 1-58685-522-0 $15.95 / Gibbs-Smith


    See this TITLE: Every Cowgirl Needs Dancing Boots

    Nellie Sue is back with brand-new dancing boots and her usual cowgirl flair. She knows that dancing would be more fun with friends, but her new neighbors, the Glitter Girls, would rather pirouette and twirl than hoedown. Nellie decides to throw a Barnyard Bash and invite the whole neighborhood. With her big imagination, Nellie transforms her garage into the perfect place to do-si-do. Soon everyone is joining in, but could a slip, a trip, and a slide cause her big bash to be a big messy flop?


    See this TITLE: The Magic Cowgirl Boots

    Priscilla is a liar. She’s such a big liar I don’t know anyone who believes a single thing she says. Priscilla swears that this time she’s telling the absolute truth which is a good reason not to believe her. Come on! Get real! Cowgirl boots that magically transport her back to 1877 where she becomes her own great, great grandmother? Who’s going to believe that?


    Cowgirl Boots For Sale

    [phpbay]cowgirl boots, 19, “”, “”[/phpbay] [phpbay]cowgirl, 4, “”, “”[/phpbay]

Click here for another post
featuring a Cowgirl Pin-up by Gil Elvgren

Here is a cute gal strumming on a guitar wearing her cowgirl boots!

News About Cowgirl Boots

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Vintage Cowgirl Hair and Makeup Plus Cowgirl Pin-ups related article…

No Smoking in the Skull Cave: My cowgirl pin-up in color!

Newer Post Older Post Home. Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom). Click the image to visit The Becca Shop or email me at Gillman Pinup 11×14 $30

Publish Date: 04/17/2011 21:59

Pin Up Cowgirls

A pin-up girl or pin-up model is a model whose mass-produced pictures see wide appeal as pop culture. Pin-ups are intended for informal display. Pin-up girls are often glamour models, fashion models, and actresses. “Pin-up” may also refer to drawings…

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25 Responses  
  • LisaFreemontStreet writes:
    September 30th, 201110:52 amat

    @fratsiepatsie Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better..

  • fratsiepatsie writes:
    September 30th, 201111:45 amat

    Great video! Can i ask the name of the second song in your video?
    Love the Nora Jane’s song also a lot!

  • MildredEThompson writes:
    September 30th, 201112:13 pmat

    I love this! Instead of brushing my curls, I don’t brush the curls, so the curls would be sleeker and more defined. It makes me think of Dorothy, when the curls are tighter.

  • MildredEThompson writes:
    September 30th, 201112:19 pmat

    @ZamsadaZombie I just thought I would help, because I used to have the same problem. I just roll them randomly in small-medium pieces. To maximize curl,roll your hair when it is just slightly damp. When un-rolling, lightly pull in a downwards motion, this helps to keep my curls unharmed while rolling.

  • shelbina08 writes:
    September 30th, 20111:07 pmat

    At 3:41 you look like you should be saying “But I lovem paw” lol

  • SINGisMYlive1 writes:
    September 30th, 20111:08 pmat

    You have beautiful hair and your cow girl style is magnificent 😀

  • alisquidz writes:
    September 30th, 20111:45 pmat

    that was super cute!

  • VivienMcall writes:
    September 30th, 20112:23 pmat

    Yay! I have a computer again! I finally got to see this video. It was killing me, not being able to see your tutorials or your pin up of the month. Lovely hairstyle by the way. 🙂

  • atomikmomma writes:
    September 30th, 20113:11 pmat

    It reminds me of the way Dorothy’s hair is during the first part of the wizard of Oz only not as sculpted. It’s such a fun look for when you need your hair out of your face or if it’s windy. I’m from Oklahoma and it’s windy ALL the time there. lol.

  • keanapalmtree writes:
    September 30th, 20113:47 pmat

    very cute!! hair reminded me of maryann from giligans island minus the hat of course! great video

  • LaFlacs writes:
    September 30th, 20114:03 pmat

    haha cute!!!!!!!!

  • FindingSummer writes:
    September 30th, 20114:10 pmat

    My hair is very long (about 25 inches) and sponge rollers (along with any other kind of rollers) tend to get tangled in my locks. I just fold a sheet of toilet paper around the end of each section right before I roll it. It helps a lot with the snagging/tangling.

  • carolts writes:
    September 30th, 20114:12 pmat

    very very cute… i wish i had longer hair so i could do this one

  • rednogo writes:
    September 30th, 20114:41 pmat

    Lovely as always and congrats on Ruby. Breastfeeding? Maybe its the shirt…….. you seem a little busti er than your other vids. Just thought I’d ask.
    Hairstyle is beautiful. Reminds me of Judy Garland in the Wizard Of Oz. Very cute

  • NekroSara writes:
    September 30th, 20114:52 pmat

    omgoodness! what cute hat!

  • drumsanddrumming writes:
    September 30th, 20115:42 pmat


  • MissSatyaDanu writes:
    September 30th, 20116:40 pmat

    so cute thanks !

  • SparkleRanger writes:
    September 30th, 20117:01 pmat

    @ZamsadaZombie You can buy little papers and it saves your hair a bit. It works for mine and my hair is super long.

  • maleficentdiva writes:
    September 30th, 20117:10 pmat

    love this hairstyle, definately reminds me of Dorothy from Wizard of OZ! love the soft bouncy curls! 🙂 GREAT JOB!

  • LisaFreemontStreet writes:
    September 30th, 20117:55 pmat

    @ZamsadaZombie I usually roll under for sponge rollers…and usually you can just unwind them in the same direction you rolled them up! 🙂

  • ZamsadaZombie writes:
    September 30th, 20117:58 pmat

    Which way did you cur your hair? I always have a problem with foam rollers, they dont want to com out of my hair easily. I usually end up having to yank them out. My hair is just a bit longer than yours, do you have any input as to why this may be happening?

  • LisaFreemontStreet writes:
    September 30th, 20119:40 pmat

    @JESSICAMERA someone else said that too. 🙂 I think her’s would be a bit sleeker…maybe I’ll do that one too!

  • creamofcardstv writes:
    September 30th, 20119:47 pmat

    great collection of pin-up girl art! thumbs up!

  • OldHollywood93 writes:
    September 30th, 201111:21 pmat

    Thank you.
    I’m glad you like them.

  • TheMarcello68 writes:
    September 30th, 201111:31 pmat

    Gorgeous pin ups.Earl Moran and Gil Elvgren are my favourite drawers.thank you.5*

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