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Yukon Ho! by Bill Watterson
April 11th, 2012 by Aldouspi

Yukon Ho! by Bill Watterson

Yukon Ho!

Bill Watterson

Bill Watterson‘s expressive and creative artwork provides the perfect complement to the amusing script of possibilities experienced by this terrific twosome. With each encounter, we are invited into Calvin’s world, and although we can’t transmogrify ourselves into Spaceman Spiff, a giant dinosaur, or an invisible cookie snatcher, we can certainly enjoy a vicarious ride. Listed as the favorite comic by newspapers nationwide.

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Yukon Ho! by Bill Watterson related articles from the blogosphere…

    Quotes of Bill Watterson

    I thought my life would seem more interesting with a musical score and a laugh track.
    Bill Watterson

    I won’t eat any cereal that doesn’t turn the milk purple.
    Bill Watterson

    I’m not dumb. I just have a command of thoroughly useless information.
    Bill Watterson

    I’ve got to start listening to those quiet, nagging doubts.
    Bill Watterson

    If people sat outside and looked at the stars each night, I’ll bet they’d live a lot differently.
    Bill Watterson

    Source: – Quotes by Bill Watterson

A Very Calvin & Hobbes Christmas

Snowmen… On Ice! Everything by Jim Frommeyer, Teague Chrystie, & Bill Watterson. Some have been asking how this was made, so here is a link where we break down some of the process:

Image via Flickr

Calvin and Hobbes | Bill Watterson | T-Shirt | Snorg Tees | 2


It follows the humorous antics of Calvin, a precocious and adventurous six-year-old boy, and Hobbes, his sardonic stuffed tiger. Vintage Cool T-Shirt, very Special.

Bill Watterson: Information from


Bill Watterson is the author of Calvin and Hobbes, an immensely popular comic strip about a hyperactive, imaginative 6 year-old and his relationship with his plush tiger Hobbes, who comes to life when no one is looking. Watterson, who

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Bill Watterson

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3 Responses  
  • "relykk" writes:
    April 11th, 20127:23 pmat
    7 of 7 people found the following review helpful
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    One of the More Popular Books, November 25, 2003
    “relykk” (Albany, OR USA) –

    This review is from: Yukon Ho! (Paperback)

    First, and foremost, it must be known: All Calvin and Hobbes are great. Yukon Ho!, however, is one that tends to rise above the rest. It’s true this is one of the earlier books and includes the 9 verse tune The Yukon Song and has all the great cartoons, but why it seems to be more popular, I cannot say. All I know and can guarantee is that it’s funny and is everything Calvin and Hobbes. From the beginning of the book where Calvin is convinced that he and Hobbes have traveled into the future (nope not with a cardboard box) it is too easy to appreaciate Calvin’s motives. He’s not after the secrets of genetic cloning or the what politician is waging wars with other countries. He’s looking forward to floating cities and telling people in the present what he saw. And this is the real beauty of Calvin and Hobbes shows through. It’s the quest of a six-year-old to have a good time with a furry friend. Rarely in a comic strip has such devotion and integrity of a kid been so accurately portrayed.

    You’ll chuckle at Calvin’s dad ‘s explanation of the workings of a carburetor and the hilarious camping trip to a desolate rock that Calvin’s entire family embarks on. Rosalyn appears again, and yes, again terrorizes Calvin. Calvin digs up dirt on his dad,which compromises his father’s high-ranking position of dad. Calvin tries and fails to be the next Houdini and Susie and Calvin are assigned an a project together. All the way to the new and improved transmogrifier, it’s pure magic, purely Calvin and Hobbes.

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  • D. Dubei "ioancuza" writes:
    April 11th, 20128:06 pmat
    7 of 8 people found the following review helpful
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    hilarious, May 30, 2002
    D. Dubei “ioancuza” (New York, NY) –

    This review is from: Yukon Ho! (Paperback)

    truly and surely one of the best comic strips ever! were you to be sick in bed and need something to make you laugh, this is the best medicine!

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  • Alan Attebery writes:
    April 11th, 20128:53 pmat
    4 of 4 people found the following review helpful
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    A Boy and His Tiger, December 13, 2002
    Alan Attebery (Arlington, TX USA) –

    This review is from: Yukon Ho! (Paperback)

    “Yukon Ho!” is a collection of daily and Sunday “Calvin and Hobbes” comic strips. Since the dates have not been left in the strips, it is difficult to determine the time frame involved. But that doesn’t really matter, because this strip is as fresh and funny today, years after Bill Watterson ended the strip, as it was back in the day.

    If you have never heard of Calvin and his adventures with his stuffed tiger, Hobbes, pick this book up today and become hooked with the rest of us.

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