Tips About Becoming a Pin-up Photographer
It is a very important to know what you are talking about, when you enter the world of pin-up photography. Many people claim to do this style of photos, but they really do not know the history or background or its nuances. The idea of pin-up photography is to show women in a subtlety suggestive, but “cute” way. You do not want to be too over the top or evocative.
There is always a lot of gray area for your artistic viewpoint, but too much can take your photos into a more raunchy realm. You can do that kind of photography, of course, but it shouldn’t be done under the umbrella of pinup portraiture.
The best way to gain knowledge about taking pin-up photos is do some research. You may want to start off mirroring the work previous pinup artists and re-create their works in a contemporary fashion – adding your own bit of innovation and creativity. There are classic poses, imagery, and especially clothing that helps give a feel of the 50’s pinup era. A Google or Bing search of “pinup photos” will bring you myriad examples to study and be inspired by. There are also lots of books on the subject as well.
A lot of the original pinup artists were painters and commercial artists, created their work using live models. Look up Alberto Vargas and Gil Elvgren to see the two main men behind so many of the iconic images we still see today.
There are many contemporary photographers that are working with this theme. The fun part of it is figuring out where you want to work yourself in. There’s so much to experiment and work off of and being knowledgeable about the people working today is essential. There are many celebrity status models and photographers in the scene. Some of the bigger names are Via Van Story, Shannon Brooke, 666 Photography, and Mitzi and Co. A few of the most well known models include Sabina Kelly, Dita Von Teese, Bernie Dexter, and Dayna Delux.
People are often surprised to find just how large a community and movement the pin-up culture is today. There’s been a lot of influence on fashion and clothing lately, but that will fade and flare as styles and fashions change and cycle. Many people are involved in this culture – it is not a passing fad.
You can hearken back to vintage styles from the 40’s and 50’s or create a brand new view of pin-up photography . It is a world of much joy and some hard work…
Rick Valence is a camera repairs specialist at C.R.I.S. Camera Services in Chandler, Arizona. Along with being a camera and photography enthusiast, Rick enjoys blogging about camera repairs in his spare time and traveling around the world to find exotic regions and experiences to photograph. —- Article Source:
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Pin-up Photographer