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Revolutionary Artist Andy Warhol
May 21st, 2012 by Aldouspi

Revolutionary Artist Andy Warhol

Mao by Andy Warhol
Andy Warhol

A multifaceted personality, Andrew Warhola, popularly called Andy Warhol, began his career as an advertisement illustrator after completing a Bachelors’ Degree in Fine Arts from Carnegie Institute of Technology in Pittsburgh. Born on August 6, 1928 in Pittsburgh to parents of Slovakian origin, Andy Warhol suffered from a learning disability during his childhood.

At the tender age of eight, he suffered from the deadly disease of chorea that affected his nervous system and also affected his skin, an ailment that bothered him for the rest of his life. In spite of these impediments, Andy fared well in his academics and later in his career that spanned from an artist, to an author and also as a filmmaker.

Andy’s career as a commercial artist working in New York was a successful one. But it was his quest for attaining popularity for his skill as an artist, that lead him to take up painting. Soon his exhibitions gained immense attention from art lovers.

He genius was was to popularize his paintings by focusing on current culture… The result was pop painting. Andy later set up the ‘Factory’ where he corraled a conglomerate of artists and illustrators who could work for him to produce more of his paintings. The Factory became a popular stomping ground and was frequented by several persons of eminence. Andy went to the extent of making screen prints of paintings. That however received severe criticism from several quarters, but allowed more people to own his art.

His creativity ran to the more bizarre and outer edge, when he started making pornographic films and erotic paintings. Some of these such as Blow Job, Lonesome Cowboy and Chelsea Girls are considered to be underground classics… but you may want to judge that yourself.

While The Factory provided him with a platform to produce a and elevate his work, it also brought him close to death. He was shot by Valerie Solanis, an associate of his, in The Factory, over a trivial issue. This gunshot was nearly fatal, but miraculously Andy survived it. He underwent a prolonged surgical treatment and made a come back, but the effect of this dreadful act left an adverse effect both on his life and creativity. His work ppost gunshot never seemed as brilliant…

Andy Warhol died of a massive heart attack in 1987, on February 22, while undergoing a normal gall bladder operation. His art and the philosophy of his expressiveness has left behind a plethora of creative designs both famous and infamous, but un-ignorable in either case.

Display of his works can be found at the Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. And is well worth the visit.

Andy Warhol Related Items For Sale

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Revolutionary Artist Andy Warhol related articles from the blogosphere…

View Andy Warhol and short time Heavy Weight Boxing Champion Sonny Liston in a commercial recaptured on Youtube. Even in this Braniff commercial Warhol seems other worldly… Andy Warhol and Salvador Dalí in Classic 1968 Braniff Commercials One of the scariest things about air travel is the seating assignment. You never know who you'll end up next to.

Definition of cake by Andy Warhol – “A chocolate bar between two pieces of bread!” Read about Warhol and food at the at Slate Magazine

Check out these lost photos of Warhol:

Andy Warhol Tribute

A tribute to an artistic genius.

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