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The Walking Dead, Vol. 11: Fear The Hunters
June 3rd, 2012 by Aldouspi

The Walking Dead, Vol. 11: Fear The Hunters

The Walking Dead, Vol. 11: Fear The Hunters

No one is safe in the aftermath of the most shocking Walking Dead storyline yet! The remaining survivors continue the road to Washington DC, but not everyone will make it out alive! Collects issues #61-66 of the New York Times best-selling series, The Walking Dead!

List Price: $ 14.99

Price: $ 8.42

Diary of a Nerd King

Diary of a Nerd King

My name is Max Ridgemont. My sister says I’m the Nerd King. I resent that. She says I resemble that. She thinks she’s so smart. Wait til I’m famous from inventing a burping machine.

This is my diary, except it’s not a diary. It’s a journal, or a blog, or a log… just not a diary ’cause diaries are for girls and wimpy kids. There’s also a lot of wicked awesome pictures I drew in here too. Don’t feel bad if you can’t draw as well as I can. Most people can’t.

Oh yeah, my best friend

List Price: $ 2.99

Price: $ 2.99

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6 Responses  
  • Tyler S. "Super-Review" writes:
    June 3rd, 20128:02 pmat
    9 of 10 people found the following review helpful
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    Putting the Bang Back into the Series!, January 9, 2010
    Tyler S. “Super-Review” (Brentwood, CA United States) –

    FYI I purchased this at my nonlocal comic shop, for Amazon has been having major difficulties with this title. Reality of the matter is that they had the release date wrong. I believe you can order this product if you go to other formats.

    Anyway, the book is awesome. As a hungry fan of the series I ate this up in no time. I won’t reveal too much but the danger has returned to the group. There’s another frightening threat and not everyone will survive. I like how Kirkman is obeying his own format by coming up with new ways to maintain the tone and pace of the series. The suprises come in threes and there is never a dull moment. It’s comics like this that gain my respect for Robert Kirkman. All I can say after 11 volumes is keep going! I want more!

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  • brownie "dogs AND dinosaurs rule!!!!!" writes:
    June 3rd, 20128:14 pmat
    9 of 11 people found the following review helpful
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    The Preacher, the Hunters, and the Dead, January 23, 2010
    Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)

    FEAR THE HUNTERS! (The Walking Dead: Volume 11)

    Written By Robert Kirkman

    Illustrated By Charles Adlard & Cliff Rathburn

    Collects Issues 61-66

    “A man’s gotta eat. If it makes you feel any better…you taste much better than we thought you would.”

    The first big story arc in a while, Fear the Hunters finds Rick and company still on the road, slowly running out of food, and options. Not to mention that they’re being followed and watched… The first issue alone, #61, will give you a clue as to what to expect–and you’ll be surprised at how quickly the terror begins and the fun truly ends. As they continue toward Washington, lives will be lost, bad deeds will be done, and a new character will be introduced. Then you just have to tell yourself that there are still five more issues to read before the collection is over…

    “I don’t think I’ve had a chance to introduce myself before. I’m Chris, it’s good to meet you. You probably think I’m crazy, and I understand that. Why wouldn’t you? But I’m not, none of us are. I don’t expect you to believe that, but it’s important to me that I say it.”

    Both Kirkman and Adlard have outdone themselves here, both the writing and the art are better than previous collections. Volumes 9 and 10 had me worried there for a little bit–our characters seemed to be going nowhere…and Washington seemed a little too far away. The new characters were fine, yet it still seemed like everyone was walking in circles, not doing much. Yet here is were it picks up pace–and it doesn’t stop.

    “You know the drill–we have to keep these people scared. We should actually pick them off sooner, thin their numbers out and make them fear for their lives.”

    Yet even though the writing and art are better, is the actually plot worth reading? The simple answer: yes! Although it is reminiscent of The Road, Fear the Hunters is more than worthy. In many ways, the Hunters are more savage and brutal than the Governor himself–and that’s saying something. Whereas the Governor still had a shred of mercy for his daughter, these people…have no soul. They long ago ran out of food, and have taken to hunting down human and eating them–no matter what the age.

    “Cannibalism? How did it come to that?”
    “The simple answer? We got hungry. We’re terrible hunters. You ever hunted before? Animals are quick. It’s hard. You spend so much time finding a good hiding place–and waiting. It’s almost pointless. So we decided to hunt easier game. People don’t run from us.
    We were desperate.”

    So although this volume was delayed because of National Comic Book Skip Week, throw all your anger away and buy it as soon as you can. If I have a single complaint about this volume, it’s that it simply went by too fast…and that we didn’t see more of the hunters. Well, who knows–maybe Kirkman will surprise us in later issues…Dang. I just realized now I have to wait another 6-7 months before volume 12 comes out.

    “Just came to ask you this. Will you stop coming after my people?”
    “In all honesty? Probably not.”

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  • Robert Naugle "I always knew I wanted to be s... writes:
    June 3rd, 20128:59 pmat
    4 of 4 people found the following review helpful
    4.0 out of 5 stars
    The Title Is Becoming Ever More Ambiguous, January 12, 2010

    With each volume of this terrific series, it becomes clearer that Rick’s assessment (that we, the living, are now the true walking dead) is pulling into focus. The latest travails of the nomadic survivors are equally internal and external in nature, with some truly disturbing behaviors on the part of “bad guys” and “good guys” apart. Suffice to say some of Cormac McCarthy’s THE ROAD has rubbed off on Kirkman.

    The other reason to jump on the Walking Dead bus if you’re new to the series is its status as the rarest of pop culture creatures: a source material that is probably going to wind up a ground-breaking TV show. Kirkman’s characters are so well-rounded, it’ll be fun to watch what a respected auteur like Frank Darabont and a prestige network like AMC will do with it.

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  • Barb writes:
    June 3rd, 20129:57 pmat
    5 of 5 people found the following review helpful
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    Diary of a Nerd King, December 15, 2011

    Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)
    This review is from: Diary of a Nerd King (Kindle Edition)

    My 11 year old started the book at 5:00 pm last night and finished it by 9:00 pm, tells me it was a good book. She simply couldn’t put it down. This morning, she even asked if there was another one she could read.

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  • Tracy Schutz writes:
    June 3rd, 201210:53 pmat
    5 of 5 people found the following review helpful
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    Diary of a Nerd King– MORE PLEASE!, December 13, 2011

    Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)
    This review is from: Diary of a Nerd King (Kindle Edition)

    As a middle school teacher, I am always looking for books that my students will enjoy; this is definitely one of them! I just downloaded this book today and read it through without stopping… What a hoot! The “star” of the book has such a personality and the author really makes that stand out with the drawings! I also like that it is current and brings into account things that are relevant to tweens/teens these days like You Tube and the show Glee. Thanks Matt Ballard for being awesome!


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  • Daveyan writes:
    June 3rd, 201211:25 pmat
    4 of 4 people found the following review helpful
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    Pretty Awesome, December 20, 2011

    This review is from: Diary of a Nerd King (Kindle Edition)

    I recently bought a digital copy of the book and have been reading it with my cousin. I’m his tutor after school and I’m glad that this book has been able to keep his attention. He’s 6 and it’s hard keeping him seating and focused. Overall a pretty great book

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