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Running a Brand Business: Behind the scene’s of Miss Happ – Fashion Designer
June 4th, 2012 by Aldouspi

Running a Brand Business: Behind the scene’s of Miss Happ – Fashion Designer

Sometimes I feel like all I do is live, eat sleep Miss Happ, but it’s ok…..I am lucky enough to totally love what I do ♥ I am my own boss. How much better could it get?
It has been almost four and a half years since I started my little brand, Miss Happ, I have gone through it all. The frustration of people not understanding what I am about, to CMT’s and seamstresses letting me down terribly. I have had to tackle fit problems, and glue problems, our offices being broken into and all my computer equipment stolen. The stress of juggling not only my clothing brand but also lecturing part-time and having to do graphic design work to pay for my little dream which is Miss Happ. At the end of it all I am proud to say that I am a self-funded, one woman show….how many people can say that?!
I have gone through the bad….but above all have gotten through it all and am still standing when so many others have had to shut their doors in this recession. I have had amazing support from my other half as well as my family and friends, and a huge shout of Thanks goes out to them!
I have learned many lessons about running my own business, about what sells and what doesn’t, I have learned how to do my own invoicing – a BIG DEAL for a fashion designer that positively HATES numbers, and I have learned patience and to never give up what you believe in. But for me, most of all it’s been important to:
    1. Always be nice to people – you never know who is going to cross your path down the line
    2. To not bad mouth those that have done you ill along the way – see above!
    3. Remember where you have come from. Stay humble.
    4. Realize your what your weaknesses are, don’t be afraid of them (still working on that one!)
    5. Focus on the good, not always the bad – I am a notorious prophet of doom, so this one is particularly hard for me!
    6. Help others along the way – you know where they are – you have been there yourself at some stage!
    7. Do not procrastinate – do not leave for tomorrow what you can do today.

Till next time,

Miss Happ Rockabilly and Pin Up Clothing

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Fashion Designer

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