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There is Magnificent Art in India
June 10th, 2012 by Aldouspi

There is Magnificent Art in India

CC: L’art du Kolam (Inde du sud) photo by dalbera
Rice powder painting Southern India

Indian Art'art du Kolam (Inde du sud)

by Copal Art

Unity in Diversity – a very common phrase about India. India is very much diverse in its Art and Culture, but still so much united, that you can see the common footprints of Indian art in every part of the country. Some artists draw what they see, while others draw on the basis of a theme. Painters draw landscapes, portraits, animals, human figures, paintings of god, etc.

Art in India has been prevalent from classical times. The palace of the Kings were decorated with urns, vases, wall murals and other rare artifacts as the community then was chiefly comprised of classes segregated by job and status. The caste system was prevalent then, but the community was organized and hence, they shared true art forms.

As we all are aware, Indian Art has become prominent in both the local and world market and more and more people are getting scintillated with the beauty and an admiration for Indian Art and Culture.

Some of the finest painters that India takes a tremendous sense of pride in are S H Raza, F N Souza and M F Husain. These are the painters who have created one of the world’s most conspicuously, finest Masterpieces and those masterpieces had brought a very sturdy return of investment on Indian Art.

S H Raza’s “Saurashtra” recently sold for 1700 times more than than its original purchase price. A nice investment return on Indian Art.

About the author: Copal Art is one such company that has sustained the Legacy of true Indian Art and Culture. Considered a leading authority on Indian art Copal Art is an amalgamation of expertise in art, art education and investment to educate art collectors in the process of art acquisition.

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