10 Must-follow blogs for artists and illustrators suggested by Kiri Østergaard Leonard
The internet is a wonderful resource for artists and illustrators. I have picked out my ten favourite blogs that I like to follow. These blogs are all pearls of information, resources and helpful lessons on art and illustration so if you are not already following them, you really should check them out!

1. Gurney Journey – http://gurneyjourney.blogspot.com/ is maintained by Imaginative Realism master James Gurney. James Gurney shares with us his journey in art work, he blogs about a wide variety of topics, all related to the visual world. His blog has also inspired two high recommendable books on how to paint.

2. Muddy Colors – http://muddycolors.blogspot.com/ is an illustration collective by 13 professional artists and illustrators, mainly working in the field of Imaginative Realism and Fantasy, who are all highly successful. They share lessons in both the creation of art, but also the business side as well as a look into their own process when they create.

3. ArtOrder – http://theartorder.com/ was started Wizards of the Coast Art Director Jon Schindehette, it grew into its own community that merged with WIPNation and is now also an illustration collective consisting of an impressive selection of authors that represent both collectors, Art Directors, Professionals and students. It is the go-to blog for information on the business of Fantasy Illustration and freelancing. Also if you are dreaming of working for WoTC, this is the place to learn how.

4. Lines and Colors – http://www.linesandcolors.com/ is written by Charley Parker. It showcases artwork from all over the world and throughout history as well. It is a wonderful source of inspiration as well as a brief lesson in art history and a great showcase of current artists and illustrators.

5. Illustration Art – http://illustrationart.blogspot.com/ is written by David Apatoff. The blog is an intriguing mixture of art history and intellect. David Apatoff offer his opinion of various illustrators from history and also sparks a long discussion from his loyal followers. The comments are as interesting to read as the posts.

6. Marc Scheff Illustration – http://www.marcscheff.com/blog. Marc Scheff is a very skilled illustrator, who is also very big on sharing information. His blog is very informative on the art and business of illustration. It is a great go to for resources on freelancing as well as tips on studying art. Marc Scheff is also involved in both Awesome Horse Studios, that I previously posted an interview on – [see here] and Illustration Age.

7.Noah’s Art – http://www.noahbradley.com/blog/. The author Noah Bradley is a successful young illustrator with an edge. Noah shares his thoughts, lessons learned and encouragement on his blog. He is also very honest and is not afraid to point out the frequent mistakes young artists may make, but does so is a very helpful manner and there is little doubt, he knows what he is talking about. He is also a member of Awesome Horse Studios.

8.Forbidden Visions – http://fantasiox.blogspot.com/ is written by Oliver Wetter, who is another illustrator with an edge. Oliver shares his thoughts and experiences on illustrating and creating. Not only is his blog full of good advice but there are also good resources to be found. His posts are very well written and always makes you put things into consideration.

9.Academy of Art and Creature Design – http://characterdesignnotes.blogspot.com/ is a blog with multiple authors and a huge amounts of wonderful resources on creature and character design. The blog is written for online AAU students and is a great place to go for art lessons. Definitely a must-read for all art students.

10.Urban Sketchers – http://www.urbansketchers.org/ is perhaps not so much a ‘must’ but it is nonetheless a very enjoyable blog. Sketching is an important mean to improving for all artists and there is something very enjoyable about the life sketches hold compared to finished pieces. Urban sketchers have made it their goal to display the world we live in one drawing at a time. People from all over the world submit sketches from their country/area/travels.
Wicked Fairytale – Artwork by Kiri Østergaard Leonard
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