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The Silly Wink – Photo by Shai Yehezkel
July 24th, 2012 by Aldouspi

The Silly Wink – Photo by Shai Yehezkel

Silly Wink
Shai Yehezkel

Girl And Photography

Wink Pin-ups For Sale

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    The Silly Wink – Photo by Shai Yehezkel related articles from the blogosphere…

    There are silly winks and wicked winks, here is a wicked wink…

    Silly Saturday: Wicked Wink | krikitarts


    This entry was posted in Silly Saturday and tagged Animals, Cats, Pets. Bookmark the permalink. ← Daffodil Debut (Delayed) · Serenity Sunday: Periwinkle Pals →. 9 Responses to Silly Saturday: Wicked Wink. sandy says:

    And not to be undone, instead of a silly wink, here is a wacky wink, same site different photo:

    Silly Saturday: Wacky Wink | krikitarts


    Be the first to like this post. About krikitarts. Welcome to Krikit Arts! I'm a veterinarian; photographer; finger-style guitarist, composer, instructor, and singer/songwriter; fisherman; and fly-tyer. Please enjoy–and please respect

    On a more serious side, what do winks really mean, silly or otherwise, a discussion here:

    Polysyllabic Profundities: A wink and a smile


    There is an inherent difference between the joking, fun wink with the silly face and the genuine 'I feel a connection' wink that is far more heart felt. A wink can communicate an unspoken string of words that compels the person

Monty Python Nudge Nudge Wink Wink

The “Nudge of the nudge of the wink of the wink of the hows ya father” of the sketch of the monty of the python =D

Silly Wink

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