Q. Looking for a tattoo artist in the large area of Las Vegas that is impressive to pin up tat??
Need a tattoo artist and name of the establishment a large tattoo of a pin up (Olivia De Berardinis style). Any suggestions? I feel overwhelmed looking for an artist on the internet…
A. What about Hart & Huntington ? They are located in the Palms Casino. Here's a link: http://www.hartandhuntingtontattoo.com/ Additionally, if you want to try for a tattoo parlor in another city, visiti: US Tattoo Studio Directory. Good luck to you! 🙂
Many people want to get tattoos in the style of Olivia De Berardinis and why not? She creates beautiful art with distinctive lines and colorization. She is both traditional and unique in her pin-up art.
Olivia de Berardinis Pin-Ups For Sale
[phpbay]Olivia de Berardinis Pinup, 22, “”, “”[/phpbay]