Shark Week Cartoon by Jessie LuIt’s the time of year~! My favorite week of all~ SHARK WEEK ! I hope you guys are enjoying it as much as I am~! =]
Quick Facts About Sharks
A shark tooth is one of the numerous teeth of a shark. Sharks continually shed their teeth, and some Carcharhiniformes shed approximately 35,000 teeth in a lifetime. In some geological formations, shark’s teeth are a common fossil. These fossils can be analyzed for information on shark evolution and biology, especially because the teeth are often the only part of the shark to be fossilized, in fact fossil teeth comprise much of the fossil record of the Elasmobranchii, extending back hundreds of millions of years.
More about fossilized shark teeth – the color of the teeth will depend upon the materials in which the original teeth were buried. I have seen pictures of teeth fossils ranging in color from that of very light sand, to brown or gray, to pitch black. In Myrtle Beach, the teeth that turn up are largely pitch black. In fact, when wet, they generally have a shine to them, almost like wet black spray paint. For the Myrtle Beach area, color may be the most important factor to target.
Scary Sharks? In fact, 80% of sharks are totally harmless, being less than a meter in length and eating only small fishes, crustaceans and invertebrates. Out of all the species of sharks, only a few types that are known to have attacked and killed man. These species include, the most famous of all – The Great White Shark; The Tiger Shark, with distinct tiger stripes down its side; The Bull Shark, which is one of only two sharks that can swim up river.
On occasion Great Hammerheads, Oceanic white tips, and Short fin Mako’s (the fastest of all the sharks) have attacked human, but these attacks are rare.
The Bull Shark has the infamous title of being the most aggressive of all sharks, possibly for its ability to swim in fresh water, where it is more likely to come into contact with humans.
A shark will only attack if threatened or hungry. Humans are not on the menu unless we are mistaken for their natural food, especially in murky water or on the surface where the shark can only see shadows. Sharks generally bump or poke their prey with their fins or snout before an all out attack.
Shark Week Cartoon related articles from the blogosphere… CC: Shark Teeth, photo by compujeramey
For 25 years, Shark Week has been swimming on our cable channel. Here is an overview of how this annual event came about…
How ' Shark Week ' Went Rogue | Media – Advertising Age 8/19/12
"Shark Week " has become cable's longest-running promotion. While other nets have tried to replicate its success, none have been able to build the same buzz.
Robots are now taking to the ocean to track sharks. Want to know more, check out this website: Live every week like it's shark week with new tracking robots … 8/19/12
Solar-powered surfing robots will soon track Great Whites in the Pacific Ocean and transmit data back to shore. Researchers and shark enthusiasts alike will have access to the findings because those interested in the project …
Will Shark Week be followed by Puppy Week when otherwise friendly animals act like sharks? Check out the parody video here: 'Animals Acting Like Sharks ' Week : Parody Video Of Puppies And … 8/17/12
Well, its the end of 'Shark Week '. … If you're tired of all that footage of Great Whites jumping out of the water — and we presume you are — here's the best possible foil: 'Animals Acting Like Sharks ' week . Produced by Internet …
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“The Fear, Shark Week #1 ” – Karina Petroni : Escape Around the World
Karina Petroni, professional female surfer, adventurer and free diver raised in the Jungles and beaches of Tropical Panama, invites you to travel with her on an Escape Around the World. Throughout her worldwide surf adventures she has maintained a dr…
Shark Week