Protect Your Coins with a Coin Collecting Book
Nov 12th, 2016 by Aldouspi


Are you keeping your special coins in a drawer or a bowl? When you collect coins, you want to keep those coins in as mint condition as possible. Mint condition means that the coins don’t have any marks or nicks and that they look just as shiny as they did when they came off the mint. You won’t keep them in mint condition (or the same condition when you got them) for very long, if you just keep them in a jar, or in a can beside or under your bed.

Some people like to keep their coins in tiny plastic sleeves, but these are hard to keep track of; especially if you have a lot of them. Instead, why not keep your coins in a coin collecting book or coin folder, instead of boxes? The plastic sheathe in the coin collecting book helps to protect your coins from wear and tear. What’s more, your coin collecting book will keep your coins together and the book is a great way to show your collection off to anyone who is curious.

Getting Started With a Coin Collecting Book

Nowadays you can get coin collecting books or albums online at eBay or other sites. There are also books sold at coin collecting shows where people love to show off their coin collections, where people love to trade and sell their coins and also love to sell coin collecting reference books where you can learn a lot about coins and coin collecting.

Coin Collecting Albums: Types of Books

There are coin collecting books for just US coins, there are coin collecting books for both US and international coins and then there are books for more historical coins, such as Roman Empire gold coins and such. There are, in fact, books for any type of coin you could ever think of.

Don’t worry if you only have one or two coins of a particular type – like Indian Head Pennies, for example. Part of the fun of collecting is filling up the book your new coin album will often give you the incentive you need to get more coins so that you can fill one or even several books that will comprise your coin collection.

Coin collecting is extremely fun and it’s interesting to see the differences in the various coins used as money throughout history. And even if you only have a couple of current coins circulating today, put them in a coin collecting book and keep collecting. Soon, you will see the surge in the number of coins ornamenting your books. Before you know it, you’ll have a collection most collectors would envy and they’ll be perfectly preserved and beautifully displayed in your various books.

One of the ways preferred by many is to classify sections within the book like Obama coin collection, bible coin collection or say valuable coins collection. If you are into foreign coin collecting then you can classify you coins as per country of their origin.

    Coin Albums For Sale

    [phpbay]coin album, 10, “”, “”[/phpbay] [phpbay]coin folder, 10, “”, “”[/phpbay]

How to use a coin album or coin folder

News About Coin Albums

Mechanical Coin Banks For Sale
Nov 10th, 2014 by Aldouspi


Coin banks have been some of the most popular gifts for children and adults for decades. Perhaps, you can recall the joy of receiving your very own coin bank for the first time. It’s often a treasured item that instantly sparks some of people’s most precious childhood memories. Nothing like ;putting loose change into a bank that moves…

When people think of coin banks, they tend to picture a traditional ceramic piggy bank. However, there are many different materials used in manufacturing coin banks – cast iron and wood, for example.

Mechanical Coin Banks: These are the banks with moving parts that would do something every time the owner deposited a coin. A dog would bark, a baseball player would swing his bat, or a cannon would fire. These usually made use of levers and switches to set the action in motion.

I saw my first mechanical coin bank in action when I was 5 years old. A neighbor kept his trick dog bank on the fireplace mantle. He was the father of one of my first friends, and he offered us each a coin when I visited. We put the coin in the dog’s mouth, flicked the “magic” switch, and watched in delight as the dog jumped through the clown’s hoop and dropped the coin in the barrel.

I also have a cast iron, hand painted elephant coin bank. The tail and trunk move when a coin is dropped in through the colorfully painted seat on top of the elephant. Fun!

    Mechanical Coin Bank For Sale

    [phpbay]mechanical coin bank, 14, “”, “”[/phpbay] [phpbay]wood coin bank, 6, “”, “”[/phpbay] – Novelty Coin Bank: Mechanical Dog Saving Box

This cute doggy coin bank is a fun way to teach your kids to save for a rainy day! Place your coins in the doggy bowl for the hungry dog and watch! You can p…

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