Glazing Landscape Paintings – More Depth in Your Art
Nov 12th, 2016 by Aldouspi

When should you add glazing to your landscape painting? Personally, when I have found that I am not satisfied with the look of a painting where sections of it look lackluster, and my colors are not piercing through – that’s when I resort to glazing to increase my expressionism.

Where did the problem originate from? Most likely I got carried away with using too much turpentine as a medium which, in my eyes, ruined it. We all recognize this emotion… Of course, it is just as possible I was having was really a dreadful day an my creative efforts entirely went wide of the mark.

Depending upon your artistic eye and the particular painting, many artists consider glazing – the adding of transparent color layers – a crucial part of their work.

We have all experienced glass and the way the sun filters through it. Well, this is what the effects of glazing are like. It can produce a chilled look or result in additional warmth. So as soon as your original coating of paint is dried out, add a new light coating of color on top. This is valuable tip when doing landscape paintings.

NOTE: Nobody should have to cope with the troubles of the paint shades all running together. I cannot highlight enough the significance of letting your handiwork dry out first, then you can add those transparent colors on top.

If you want to harmonize your work, bring more depth to it, glazing is great. Applied correctly, it is splendid way for making a sense of open space and distance. Glazing can add a whole new dimension to your completed work.

Glazing is not always easy. It takes plenty of practice with your colors to reach a satisfactory result. You just have to keep trying to reach your goal as you become a better artist.

What if you try putting a very deep purple on top of a pale yellow – this will give you an idea of the strength of color that can actually be obtained. Keep experimenting until you are pleased with the completed result.

There are certain rules to remember when you glaze. An absolute must is to not mix any white paint together with the color you want to glaze with. Employ oil along with the color and stroke it on lightly.

If you are looking for strong, vivid special effects, get out your palette. Experiment with putting, for instance, a very hot red on a a good deal weaker hue and observe what results. After that, you may well round it off together with a coat of gel, if that is your preference.

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The Oil Paintings of Impressionism
Sep 26th, 2012 by Aldouspi

The Oil Paintings of Impressionism

CC: Banks of the Seine, Vétheuil, by Claude Monet,photo by cliff1066
Banks of the Seine, Vétheuil,by Claude Monet

By: Eliz Guide

The nineteenth century gave the world the movement that began the trend of artists offering magnificent impressionist oil paintings. The word was coined after a critic gave a rather satirical review of a Monet art piece–after that it just stuck.

Impressionist oil paintings feature very tiny strokes of the brush. These types of artistic works also tend to focus on the luminescence of a scene and how it changes with the various seasons and even the various different times of day.

This basically means that things have a very different kind of lighting in the early morning hours as opposed to what the same things would look like at twilight or early evening or even midday. Of course the lighting in the middle of summer is very different than what would be found on a winter day.

The passage of time whether in years or months is also represented in various ways by different impressionist artists. This is all captured in distinct types of impressionist oil paintings in the many stylistic variances that make this movement so unique.

Another aspect to this style is that it challenges the composition rules that artists followed for many years. Instead of head on and forming a triangle this more modern approach to composition looks at the subjects from a variety of angles that quite change the perception and even form of that object. Everything looks a little different depending on the angle from which it is viewed and this style takes full advantage of that fact.

Impressionist oil paintings are still being created to this day. This style of art has continued to be popular.

This movement began from what others in the art world at the time considered to be a rebellion against the academic rules of art during that particular period. There were things that were practiced during this movement that most artists scoffed at such as not doing the work indoors in a studio but rather taking it outside.

This was mostly unorthodox at the time. However, this changed the way that the image was seen by the artist and the way the rendering was viewed as a finished product.

This was one of the first times that artists had tried to capture life as it happened on a daily basis. Before that, it was portraiture and still life imagery. This new style captures movement which makes art more lifelike and unique-rather like photography evolving into video.

The artists who create impressionist oil paintings believe that the passion and emotion of the creation should be represented in the brush stroke. This was in stark contrast to what was believed before. Artists before this movement believed that everything should look realistic and that the strokes should not be detectable.

This movement set the stage for many others that would follow it. It changed the way that not only was a subject viewed by the artist but many other things as well.

It allowed passion to be openly displayed and it gave every viewer a very different take on the same types of scenes that had been captured in the past. This new movement has influenced art in many ways-influencing even other art forms such as sculpture and ceramics.

Betz Gallery is an expert in Giclee , impressionist oil paintings and reproductions.

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