Rene Gruau
Jun 17th, 2012 by Aldouspi

René Gruau: Pin Up and Cartoon Girls

René Gruau (1909-1984) – fashion illustrator whose exaggerated portrayal of fashion design through painting has had a lasting effect on the fashion industry.
His design career successfully spanned six decades. His style ranged from open-faced friendly women, who look as if they enjoy wearing fashionable clothes, to elegant seductive creatures who wear their garments with an air of mystery. He was truly, an icon of the fashion world.
Rene Gruau died on 31st March 2004, in Paris, at the age of 95.

burlesque pin up2

Rene Gruau Rene Gruau
Rene Gruau Rene Gruau fashion art
Rene Gruau fashion art Rene Gruau fashion art
Rene Gruau Rene Gruau illustration
Rene Gruau art Rene Gruau fashion art

More info and pics:


René Gruau Art For Sale

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WW2 Captain America: Sketches
Jun 17th, 2012 by Aldouspi

I have never understood why Marvel doesn’t mine this era of Cap’s history. There just seem to be so many story ideas here to me. At least they let the first film be all in WW2 – but there’s just so much to talk about here – and not just Nazi ass kicking (although that would be cool). Special operations, OSS missions, relations with the Soviets, Cap dealing with the death camps, etc.

Anyways – I did these few sketches in regards to the ol’ re-do a Liefeld challenge – so I’m sure if you know about these competitions, you should be able to make out that my re-do is the bottom sketch.

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