Daughter Engaged Wedding Day Cartoon
Jun 28th, 2012 by Aldouspi

Daughter Engaged Wedding Day Cartoon
Cartoon A Day-Daily Cartoons
Editorial cartoon for June 28, Thursday: https://t.co/gq0pHZAxby Saudi_Gazette (Saudi Gazette)

Girls of Summer: Mrs. Monroe and an SF Summer…
Jun 27th, 2012 by Aldouspi

Meant to get this one done sooner – and it could still use another pass or two. 
Been a while since I’ve painted Marilyn. And since it’s summer time – it seemed only natural to go with a swimsuit pic.

Only trouble with summer – Summer in SF. Most people not from here don’t quiet understand, so I made a visual aid below to help.

There’s a quote assigned to Mark Twain – “The coldest winter of my life was a summer in San Francisco.”

You really think the tourist would get that when visiting here – but they always act surprised when the fog rolls in and they’re in shorts. Idiots.

Scotland’s Art Blog

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