The Encyclopedia of Watercolor Techniques, 2nd Edition
Sep 19th, 2011 by Aldouspi

The Encyclopedia of Watercolor Techniques, 2nd Edition

From Library Journal:
In this revised and updated volume, Harrison gives instructions for using water-based mediaAthis time adding watercolor techniques to the encyclopedic mix (alongside those for acrylics and gouache). In some 35 lessons, she covers the laying down of washes, working wet-in-wet, spattering, scumbling, and creating texture with salt. An able teacher and artist, trained at London’s Guildford School of Art and the Royal Academy School of Painting, Harrison has produced a fine volume. However, it can’t quite match the breadth and excitement of Zoltan Szabo’s 70 Favorite Watercolor Techniques (LJ 5/15/98).
Copyright 1999 Reed Business Information, Inc.

List Price: $ 27.95

Price: $ 12.89

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Kandinsky’s Paintings – The Art Of Abstract Expressionism
Aug 4th, 2009 by Aldouspi

Kandinsky painting

by TheNose under CC BY-SA  with
Kandinsky Painting


Wassily Kandinsky, famous for his geometric paintings of circles and lines and triangles and squares was slow to enter the art world… At age 30, he gave up his boring teaching position to daringly enter the art school in Munich. Thankfully, he had talent.

Kandinsky’s more mature age, relative to his fellow students at art school, helped him to progress quickly. It was also during this time that he began to explore the mystical world of Madame Blavatsky and her ideas that became known as Theosophical theory. The symbolism of Theosophy played a key role in his artistic directions. Exploring the mental ideas of other realities, lead to a breaking away from seeing the world in realistic terms…

Kandinsky eventually ended up in the Blue Rose symbolist group of Moscow after traveling around Europe. The Blue Rose was an artist association in Moscow from 1906 to 1908. They emphasized color as a ‘tonal’ medium that was used to construct rhythm in a painting while ignoring shapes and contour and realism. Here we find the early beginnings of abstract art.

Kandinsky’s art style between 1911 and 1914 was characterized by the use of large forms and lines together in a busy, perhaps, chaotic manner. The paintings created, at this time, are referred to as his Blue Rider period.

After returning to Russia, where he was born, Kandinsky had much to deal with in the political changes of the country. He spent his time teaching form and color analysis, and also joined the Institute of Artistic Culture in Moscow. After finding his art rejected by some key members of the Institute, Kandinsky chose to seek a new path by attending the Bauhaus of Weimar, an art and architecture school in Germany.

During these years, Kandinsky and three other artists formed The Blue Four. This group toured the United States discussing and teaching their art and theoretical views and generally shaking the foundations of traditional painting. This art group included Paul Klee, Lyonel Feininger and Alexej von Jawlensky. They eventually returned to Germany, but Kandinsky experienced problems with the Nazis and found it was safer to move to Paris, France to practice his art.

At first, Kandinsky’s more radical abstract and contemporary style found little support in Paris. The Parisian art world was gaga over Impressionism and Cubism at the time. But eventually his geometric style evolved and became more fluid which lead to new followers and some money in his pocket.

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News About Kandinsky

Wassily Kandinsky

Russian Artist, Abstractionist, Expressionist - 1 month ago

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Staatliche Museen zu Berlin - 5 months ago

Wassily Kandinsky

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Lokabhiramam: KandinskyPainting


KandinskyPainting. There are styles and styles! In everything including painting! Wassily Kandinsky was one who thought expression is more important than anything! Thus was expressionism! (That is a big painting.

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