Flower Painting in Watercolor
Sep 28th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Flower Painting in Watercolor

# Hardcover: 144 pages
# Publisher: Watson-Guptill Pubns (August 1986)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 0823018490
# ISBN-13: 978-0823018499
# Product Dimensions: 12.1 x 9.2 x 0.7 inches

List Price: $ 29.95

Price: $ 47.99


Flower Paintings For Sale

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Flower Painting related articles from the blogosphere…

Acrylic Painting Lessons – Painting a Pansy flower in acrylics

As you know I am always on the lookout for excellent ideas on. Art News. Make sure you look into this piece of content and inform me your opinion. Today's find is titled Acrylic Painting Lessons – Painting a Pansy flower in

Publish Date: 09/27/2011 22:14


Japanese-Style Fan and Flower Painting | Kristyn Michele Bat

Japanese-Style Fan and Flower Painting. This is an up-close of the piece I submitted to Utrecht Ft. Lauderdale's 3rd Anniversary 6×6 Show. My second oil painting ever, in life. When I went to pick up the work, one of the

Publish Date: 09/27/2011 9:50


Palette Knife Flower Painting by A – Laurie Pace

Palette Knife Flower Painting by A Texas Artist Laurie Pace. Progression on Flower Painting. 22 x 28 inches Oil on Canvas Stunning colors so different than my normal palette. Deep russets, oranges, roses and greens

Publish Date: 09/22/2011 5:08


Decorative Painting: Flower Cluster

In this first of two videos, I’ll show you how to paint a simple flower cluster with five-petal leaves.

Brittany helps the Pretty Things Peepshow!
Feb 27th, 2011 by Aldouspi

The Pretty Things Peepshow rolled into Louisville a few nights ago. The whole Boudoir Louisville gang decided to check it out. When Donny Vomit, the MC, requested a volunteer, I knew one of us HAD to help out.
Brittany was the lucky one. I swear she was sober-ish…
She kissed a Carnie!

Want to book your very own Boudoir or Pinup photo shoot, visit Boudoir Louisville for more details. Snapping gorgeous pinup and boudoir photography in Louisville, Cincinnati, Lexington and beyond!

Louisville Boudoir and Pinup Photographers

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Brittany's Boudoir and PinUp Photo Shoot | PinUp Note Book for

Here is Brittany’s boudoir and pinup shoot. These image are straight from the camera with the exception of the last image that had a glamour glow applied. This is my first attempt at using the software so be kind with your comments as …

Publish Date: 01/26/2011 13:58


Personalized PinUp Art with a Car

The custom pinup drawing shown below was created for a lady named Brittany. The woman was looking for a pinup related gift idea for her boyfriend when she stumbled upon my blog to see my custom pinup pictures which she considered to …

Publish Date: 02/15/2011 9:27


pretty little vintage: vintage pinup gals…

Old school pinup ladies are pretty sweet. They manage to look sexy yet classy at the same time. You go girls… I don’t know about you but I totally look that sexy when I vacuum (just kidding, I don’t own a vacuum). :). xo,. Brittany

Publish Date: 02/13/2011 10:00


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