Devin Lawson Aug 4th, 2014 by Aldouspi
Devin Lawson has been scribbling on paper since he could hold a pencil. After years of pencil holding and paper scribbling, Devin moved on to art school and received a degree in Animation from the Art Institute of Houston. After graduation, Devin worked freelance for game companies, film studios and design firms.
More info and pics: PinUp
2014 ,
a ,
after ,
animation ,
Art ,
Art Institute ,
Art School ,
Ass ,
b ,
B7 ,
been ,
Blank ,
Bling ,
blog ,
Blogg ,
blogger ,
blogs ,
Blogspot ,
both ,
Bp ,
Br ,
C ,
Cartoon ,
Cartoon Girl ,
Cartoon Girls ,
Cj ,
Ck ,
class ,
Could ,
Cr ,
Crib ,
d ,
degree ,
Desig ,
design ,
design firms ,
Deviantart ,
Devin ,
Devin Lawson ,
Donut ,
E ,
E2 ,
Ela ,
Elan ,
Ev ,
f ,
Fi ,
film ,
Film Studios ,
Fir ,
firm ,
Fo ,
Fr ,
free ,
From ,
Ftc ,
g ,
Game ,
game companies ,
Ght ,
Gil ,
Girl ,
Girls ,
Gr ,
Graduation ,
h ,
Hk ,
Hold ,
i ,
Ies ,
Ign ,
Img ,
Ing ,
Ins ,
Institute ,
Ip ,
Iy ,
Jpg ,
k ,
Kw ,
l ,
Lawson ,
Left ,
Lm ,
Logs ,
Lt ,
m ,
Ml ,
modern ,
Modern Pin ,
more ,
Mp ,
n ,
name ,
o ,
official ,
Om ,
Ot ,
p ,
Paper ,
paper scribbling ,
Par ,
para ,
Pencil ,
pencil holding ,
Pi ,
Pics ,
Pin ,
Pin Up Girl ,
Pinu ,
Pinup ,
r ,
Ra ,
Rad ,
Rat ,
Rbi ,
Right ,
Rt ,
s ,
S1600 ,
school ,
Sign ,
Sin ,
Since ,
Sit ,
Spicy ,
Spot ,
Ss ,
studio ,
Studios ,
Style ,
t ,
Target ,
Ter ,
Text ,
Toon ,
Tp ,
u ,
v ,
Web ,
website ,
Work ,
worked ,
Ww ,
X6 ,
year ,
Years Before and After Pics with Boudoir Louisville Jun 16th, 2013 by Aldouspi
We get emails and calls all the time from potential clients asking us if we only shoot “models”. The fact of the matter is, we hardly EVER shoot models! We LOVE to shoot normal, everyday girls! Housewives, Mothers, Grandmothers, Wives, Girlfriends, you name it! 99% of the photos on our website are of girls that have NEVER been in front of a camera in this way. We wanted to show you the transformation from “normal”, “everyday” girl into BOMBSHELL! We emailed a bunch of our past clients and asked if we could steal a photo from their Facebook profile photos to use for our “before” photo. We wanted to show a photo of our client with their everyday look. We then placed 2 photos from their Boudoir Louisville shoot next to their everyday photo. We have DOZENS of these to share with you! Drop by our main website to see many more BEFORE AND AFTER photos.
Visit Boudoir Louisville for more details. To view our most up to date pinup and boudoir galleries, Click Here! If you are super bored, drop by our YouTube Channel and watch a few of our behind the scenes videos! Watch Now! Snapping gorgeous pinup and boudoir photography in Louisville, Cincinnati, Lexington and beyond! Louisville Boudoir and Pinup Photographers