This Guy is Taking Balloon Art to the Next Level Aug 4th, 2014 by Aldouspi
Jason Secoda (Airheads Entertainment ) is an artist and entertainer that uses balloons as his medium. Based in Philadelphia, the artist has been making balloon art for over 15 years. On his Facebook page , he describes his philosophy:
“My philosophy on balloon art tries to shatter the ideas that balloon art is cheesy and that it’s only for kids. I’m very detail-oriented, and as a result, my work is layered and complex. During events, I often find just as many adults enthralled with my work as children are. In short, I make quality, upscale work for all types, and all ages of clientele.”
Below is a small collection of Jason’s fantastic work. To see more be sure to check out his Facebook page .
[via oPHILcial ]
Collaboration with Dennis Scott, Dylan Gilenas and Jack Mattson. Inspired by Angkor Wat in Cambodia. 15,000 balloons, over 16 ft tall and 225 sq. ft.
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2012 ,
2014 ,
42 ,
a ,
Ade ,
Ads ,
Adult ,
Adults ,
Ake ,
Aluminum ,
animal ,
Animal Sculptures ,
Ao ,
Art ,
Arti ,
Artist ,
artwork ,
Ass ,
Awe ,
awesome ,
b ,
Ball ,
Balloon ,
Balloons ,
Bas ,
been ,
Belo ,
Bes ,
Bison ,
Blank ,
blog ,
book ,
Br ,
C ,
Cal ,
Check ,
child ,
children ,
Ck ,
class ,
Client ,
Clientele ,
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Complex ,
Cover ,
Cr ,
Credi ,
Crib ,
d ,
Desc ,
Detail ,
Dp ,
during ,
E ,
Ends ,
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entertain ,
entertainment ,
Ev ,
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even ,
events ,
Every ,
f ,
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Fo ,
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g ,
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h ,
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high ,
Hp ,
i ,
Idea ,
ideas ,
Ies ,
Ign ,
Image ,
Img ,
Incredible ,
Ing ,
inment ,
Ins ,
inspire ,
Inspired ,
Jack ,
Japan ,
Japanese ,
Japanese Art ,
John ,
Jpg ,
Just ,
k ,
kids ,
King ,
l ,
Labor ,
Large ,
Led ,
Level ,
lit ,
Loc ,
Lt ,
Ly ,
m ,
Made ,
Mage ,
making ,
many ,
Mario ,
Med ,
Medium ,
men ,
Met ,
Metal ,
more ,
Mp ,
n ,
Nbs ,
Nbsp ,
Next ,
Next Level ,
o ,
Om ,
Only ,
Ot ,
over ,
p ,
page ,
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philosophy ,
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Pl ,
Post ,
Press ,
Quality ,
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Quote ,
r ,
Ra ,
rap ,
Rat ,
Ring ,
Rt ,
s ,
Scale ,
Scot ,
Scott ,
Scribe ,
Sculpt ,
Sculptures ,
Shat ,
Short ,
Small ,
some ,
Spa ,
Ss ,
Strong ,
Style ,
t ,
Tac ,
Tail ,
Taking ,
Tall ,
Target ,
Ted ,
Ter ,
these ,
this ,
Thr ,
Tp ,
Tron ,
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u ,
Uo ,
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v ,
very ,
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Years Oksobuy Commuter Series Case for Iphone 5 – Packaging -(White Pc+pearlescent Aluminum) Skull with Black Hat Fashion Design Oksobuy-0158 Nov 29th, 2013 by Aldouspi
zombie Skull with Black Hat Fashion Design Hard Case Cover Skin Protector iPhone 5 Black PC+Pearlescent Aluminum 7-14 days USPS shiping to USA Product Features: Compatible with: Compatible with Verizon, Sprint, and AT&T models of the iPhone 5, our universal custom iPhone 5 cases offer the perfect fit for your phone no matter your carrier. Protect your phone with this stylish premium high-quality hard case,this high-quality hard case is smooth flash and durable,protects the phone from scratches and dust. Color designed to give your phone a unique style. Gives complete access to all functions of the phone.
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