Advertising Pin-ups by Fritz Willis Plus More Advertising Pin-ups
Sep 28th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Advertising Pin-ups by Fritz Willis Plus More Advertising Pin-ups






Advertising Pin-up For Sale

[phpbay]pinup, 18, “34”, “”[/phpbay]

Advertising Pin-ups by Fritz Willis Plus More Advertising Pin-ups related articles from the blogosphere…

The Pinup Files Blog: Fritz Willis :: pinup advertising

Fritz Willis :: pin-up advertising. We don't often see the "advertising" pin-up work of Fritz Willis and here are some great examples. "Trend" was pretty versatile as it could do the dishes, wash that flimsy lingerie AND make sure

Publish Date: 07/22/2011 16:43

c1960 PinUp Matchbooks Advertising Outer Space Alien NOS Case

Vintage new old stock case of unused pin up matchbooks. A half naked alien with kind of a mermaid look and antenna says “Take Me to your Leader” in front of a wrecked spaceship. Each is manufactured by Markette Adv in Wheeling WVA for

Publish Date: 07/24/2011 14:25

Gil Elvgren's Advertising Illustrations «

Gil Elvgren born Gillette Elvgren, was an American painter of pinup girls, advertising and illustration. Elvgren was one of the more important pinup and glamour artists of the twentieth century. Today he is best known for his

Publish Date: 08/16/2011 14:29

Pin Up America Magazine advertising promo.wmv

THE WORLD LEADER IN PINUP, ROCKABILLY AND BURLESQUE! 48 page, full color, world-wide, bi-monthly publication: -available in 6 major bookstore chains -sold through world-wide web retailers -distributed through major events -digitally downloaded throug…

Alice Neel Art For Sale
Mar 23rd, 2011 by Aldouspi

Alice Neel Art For Sale

[phpbay]Alice Neel, 21, “”, “”[/phpbay]

Alice Neel Art For Sale related articles from the blogosphere…

Master of the Month :: Alice Neel | Illustration Friday

Alice Neel was known for her Expressionist portraits of both famous and ordinary people. Neel was the fourth of five children. She grew up in Colwyn,

Publish Date: 01/31/2011 0:39

Alice Neel (1900–1984)

Last year on an impromptu visit to the Whitechapel Gallery in East London, I chanced upon the exhibition Alice Neel: Painted Truths. Accompanying the exhibition was an excellent documentary film, directed by her grandson, Andrew Neel, …

Publish Date: 03/12/2011 4:32

DELINLEE DELOVELY: alice neel fever…

alice neel fever… if you haven’t seen this awe-inspiring documentary on the late, great american painter then i suggest you find it asap. truly inspiring stuff. Posted by delinlee delovely at 8:00 AM · Email This BlogThis! …

Publish Date: 03/22/2011 8:00

Alice Neel (excerpt,

A three minute excerpt from ART/new york program number 32, “ALICE NEEL (1900-1984) (c) 1990” by Paul Tschinkel. For more information and many other titles on contemporary art, visit:

Alice Neel – Official Trailer

Now on iTunes: Documentary on the life and work of Alice Neel (1900-1984), American portrait painter.

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