7 Animated Gifs of Amazing Animal Facts
Information for my posts can come from all sorts of places. The animal facts that are illustrated below and at 6 More Animated Funny Animals come about because of a British television show Called QI for quite interesting:
QI (Quite Interesting) is a British comedy panel game television quiz show created and co-produced by John Lloyd, hosted by Stephen Fry, and featuring permanent panelist Alan Davies. Most of the questions are extremely obscure, making it unlikely that the correct answer will be given. To compensate, points are awarded not only for right answers, but also for interesting ones, regardless of whether they are right or even relate to the original question.
The QI Elves is Stephen’s nickname for the 14 people (5 permanent) who research, write and produce QI in all its guises – television, radio, books, games, apps and internet thingies. You can find them on twitter @qikipedia, where they have a staggering 472,000+ followers.
Last week the QI Elves did a wildly popular AMA on Reddit, which they followed up by sharing a series of 13 fascinating facts about animals as animated gifs (7 posted here and six elsewhere.) The quirky facts were brought to life by artist Michael Whaite (@MrWahite on Twitter), whose amazing animated gifs have been featured before on the Sifter.
Artwork by Michael Whaite | @MrWhaite
Courtesy of QI.com
Here is an animal fact for you: Yellowstone Park is habitat to more wild animals than approximately anywhere else in the U.S. Visitors and tourists from different places are likely to see a number of animals in Yellowstone freely wandering the landscape, from Yellowstone’s two types of bears – grizzlies and black bears – to gray wolves (which were once almost extinct in the area), buffalo, elk, bison (one of the most prevalent species in the park), wild horses, pronghorn antelope and many more.