Pin-up Hairstyles – Classic Elegance With Timeless Appeal
Mar 17th, 2012 by Aldouspi

Pinup Hairstyles – Classic Elegance With Timeless Appeal

You may know the pinup hairstyles of the 1940’s as rockabilly or burlesque hairstyles. These hairstyles have captured the hearts of women in that time and today many woman are still recreating this timeless classic hairstyle and matching it with modern wardrobes. There is a strong resurgence of retro beauties that are bringing the old pinup look back to the front pages of newspapers, blogs, and fashion pages around the world.

The key to pin-up hairstyles, if this is the look you want for yourself, is to find one of these stunning hairstyles that complements your facial features and make it your own. The amazing thing about the average pinup style is that it is immensely flexible. This is not a one size fits all philosophy to these beautiful hairstyles and most rigid rules have to do with the cut rather than the actual way the hair is styled.

One important thing to remember, when it comes to pinup hairstyles, is this:  Perfection is not the objective. In other words there is no perfect style, but a diversity from one style to the next. This hairstyle accommodates all hair textures, colors, and types. It can be adapted to work with long hair, short hair, and even hair that is somewhere in the middle.

The only real requirements are that you have four inch bangs and that the hair is cut in four inch layers. Curly or curled hair, at least to some degree, is necessary for the pin-up style, but those curls do not have to be natural in order to pull off the look.

Modern equipment like curling irons, curling rods, and even straightening irons for small sections of hair, have proven incredibly helpful in creating the perfect pin-up hairstyles for girls of all ages. These hair styles can be a load of fun whether you’re planning a 40’s style costume party, going burlesque for Halloween, or just want to create an intriguing evening of classic and timeless elegance for yourself and the date of your choice.

About the authro:   Larry writes about many topics, some of which include Rockabilly Music and Pinup Hairstyles. Larry runs a website called Rockabilly Lifestyle for Rockabilly topics and discussions.

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Oct 9th, 2010 by Aldouspi


Whether you consider trade paperbacks and graphic novels the same thing or not, the point is that format is becoming increasingly popular in modern times.  And by that format I mean more pages than a typical comic book bound with a spine as opposed to stapled.  More and more comic fans are moving exclusively to the format of graphic novels, and graphic novels are more appealing to the non-comic fan as well.

For years and years the standard format for comic books was 22-32 pages stapled together in what some refer to as floppies, while others refer to them as funny books (even when they’re not comical).  And even though comics originated in magazine format, many resisted the change to the format of graphic novels for a long while.  It is something special to get that short serial every month and anticipate the next month’s arrival with bated breath.

Had graphic novels been prevalent in the days of old, though, before comic shops were popular and comics were typically only found in spinner racks in the local drugstores, then I’d imagine that tune would change.  More times than not, one would pick up a comic and read it and never see the next issue.  Had they been in the format of graphic novels people would have been able to keep up with the story instead of being left at a cliffhanger eternally unresolved every time they picked up a comic.

With trade and hard cover collections of classic comic books these days many old time fans can go back and read all the issues they missed, but it isn’t quite the same.  It’s not fresh and pertinent anymore, even if they are still good stories.

Another reason for the shift of fans to the format of graphic novels and trades is the cost.  Trades or graphic novels are typically anywhere from -20, and hard covers -50 give or take a few dollars.  With trade collections usually 4-6 issues worth of a serial comic are collected, and the same amount of pages for original graphic novels in some cases.  At the current standard of -4 per issue for a floppy, you stand to save anywhere from -16 for buying in the format of graphic novels!

There will always be proponents of the monthly single issue serials as opposed to graphic novels, just as there will always be proponents to printed comics as opposed to digital comics.  But one cannot argue the advantages of collecting graphic novels and trade paperback collections.

Throughout the course of the History Of Marvel Comics there has been one name that has stood above all others as the icon of the Marvel Universe: Spider-Man. Why people love this popular character so much isn’t exactly unknown either.

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