Superhero Pin-up Art For Sale
May 21st, 2010 by Aldouspi

Hey, check out the Latest Superhero Pin-up Art Auctions:

Art is my hero…
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Superhero Pin-up Art related articles from the blogosphere…

Interview with Dan Brereton, author of The Goddess & the Monster

There are sections in the book broken down roughly into the following groups: Horror, Super-heroes, Nocturnals, Noir /Femme Fatale, Fantasy, Pulp/Adventure, Pinup/Nudes and Personal work. The section on personal work includes greeting cards for … Although much of your recent work for Marvel has been on the superhero side, more recently you have gotten to work on Punisher, specifically its horror-themed “FrankenCastle” story arc. Do you think this is a sign that Marvel …

Publish Date: 10/05/2010 20:12

A review a day: Love and Capes | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic

He never relies on stock sitcom themes to invade the book, and so it’s all about his sharp humor (given the subject matter, he sends up every superhero cliché you can think of) and keen observational eye. This feels like what a superhero romance would be … Mark is ridiculously lantern-jawed, which is of course the point, and Zahler makes sure that Abby and Charlotte look like actual people, especially in contrast to Amazonia, who is supposed to look like a pinup model. …

Publish Date: 10/03/2010 12:00

Tom Grindberg talks with Michael Dunne | First Comics News

Tom: I cannot stand the pinup approach seen in comics today. The books look too stiff and detached from the story; they look more like advertisements for the characters and nothing to do with who they are. … The industry is too reliant on Superhero’s and adult rated books which in my opinion leaves out the occasional reader. Back in the 70′s you didn’t have story arcs other than the Kree-Skrull War or Green Lantern-Green Arrow both ironically Adams series. …

Publish Date: 10/03/2010 18:38

Superhero Swimsuit Issue

From 1991 through 1995, Marvel Comics published an annual magazine-sized Marvel Swimsuit issue featuring pin-ups and tongue-in-cheek articles. The first was titled Marvel Illustrated: The Swimsuit Issue, but subsequent issues were called Marvel Swims…

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Auto Pin-up Art For Sale
May 16th, 2010 by Aldouspi

Hey, check out the Latest Auto Pin-up Art Auctions:

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Auto Pin-up Art related articles from the blogosphere… – Amy Golden pinup of the week at 53deluxe

Amy Golden. This week we are proud to feature Amy Golden as our pinup of the week! She’s old school class with a twist of rockabilly, and has a unique style that is sure to go far in the pinup world! Check out the link for more pics: …

Publish Date: 09/30/2010 21:16

Auto Body Sales . com » Blog Archive » NEC Classic Car Show 2009

Nice PinUp!!! WalkerPhotography Says: October 2nd, 2010 at 6:16 pm. Sexy car! Beautiful model also.! herrera.steve Says: October 2nd, 2010 at 7:16 pm. This is such an amazing shot. Great color. Thanks for adding this beauty to: …

Publish Date: 10/01/2010 9:10

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