Doc Savage Art For Sale
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Doc Savage Art For Sale related articles from the blogosphere…
White Eyes A New Doc Savage Audio Adventure! | The Retroist
If you read my review of Radio Archives last fantastic audio adventure of Doc Savage , Python Island, you can probably guess how excited I was to get this latest press release announcing their newest adventure starring the Man of Bronze! … the same team that created Python Isle and The Adventures of Doc Savage audio collections also available from, White Eyes features dramatic narration by Richard Epcar, cover art by Joe DeVito, …
Publish Date: 07/16/2011 11:00
Doc Savage The Tiki Goes Nowhere! » Welcome To Tiki Tower – The …
Starting a new pulp-styled painting. This one features Doc Savage saving a Tiki from some thieves or other! Stay tuned! TGN 1. TGN 2. Nowhere step 3. Nowhere step 4. Nowhere step 5. Nowhere step 6. Nowhere step 8. Nowhere step 10 …
Publish Date: 04/24/2011 18:34
SciFi Art Now: Pulpfest 2011 celebrates classic magazine art
Clarke and Harris are remembered best for their front cover art on Doc Savage Magazine, while Luros is known for his detective and men's adventure magazine covers, although he also did plenty of SF work. …
Publish Date: 07/05/2011 1:43
Lost Art of the Pulps — Superheroes
American publishing has taken many turns in the last 200 years. One of the best periods for American writers and artists was the era of pulp magazines, those inexpensive magazines on cheap wood pulp paper that flourished from about 1920 to 1950, when…