The Collins Big Book of Art: From Cave Art to Pop Art
Jun 28th, 2011 by Aldouspi

The Collins Big Book of Art: From Cave Art to Pop Art

The one book your family needs to understand the world of art. A beautiful, unusual and engaging compendium of art history, providing an accessible entree into the world of art for everyone, regardless of their experience. From cave paintings to the Renaissance, Impressionism to Pop Art, The Collins Big Book of Art takes you on a journey through the history of art in a delightful and informative way. With more than 1200 works of art represented, this is both a coffee– table book and an educat

List Price: $ 39.95

Price: $ 18.99

Cave Painting For Sale

[phpbay]Cave Painting, 16, “”, “”[/phpbay]

Cave Painting related articles from the blogosphere…

Cave Painting « Conversations with the Muse

Have you seen the movie “Cave of Forgotten Dreams” yet? Think oldest cave paintings ever found, 32000 years old, with beauty to rival those of any modern artist. I was blown away. And so our Muse Group lesson last

Publish Date: 06/21/2011 15:46

ICAD #4 – Cave Painting | Flickr – Photo Sharing!

6/19/11 paper clay, chalk ink, distress ink, pencil.

Publish Date: 06/20/2011 12:20

Michael Clark Arts Opal Sculptures: "Cave Painting"

"Cave Painting". "Cave Painting" FF123 from the 2011 series. 8cm height x 7cm length. Posted by Michael Clark at 6/20/2011 01:17:00 PM · Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Google Buzz

Publish Date: 06/19/2011 20:17

Ancient Rock Art & Cave Paintings of the World From the earliest figurative rock art of the remote Kimberley region of north-western Australia to the mysterious stone statues of Easter Island. Throwing light on the artistic legacy of our ancient ancestors, we travel fro…

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Coca Cola Art For Sale
Jan 29th, 2011 by Aldouspi

I keep finding these interesting coco cola art images…

Coca 4009
Pin-up Cartoon
Image by Luiz Fernando / Sonia Maria

Coca 4005
Pin-up Cartoon
Image by Luiz Fernando / Sonia Maria

Coca 4001
Pin-up Cartoon
Image by Luiz Fernando / Sonia Maria
Montagens de Pin Ups do Ilustrador Rolf Armstrong com Logos e Produtos da Marca Coca Cola – Criação de Luiz Fernando Reis !!!

[phpbay]Coca Cola Art, 18, “”, “”[/phpbay]

Coca Cola Art For Sale related articles from the blogosphere…

CocaCola: Street art influence | Creative Criminals

Today we present you something completely different. When advertisers put out billboards there are also some risks involved with it. People can alter them, some call it vandalism others call it street art. The last few years this new …

Publish Date: 01/12/2011 11:06

CocaCola Book

CocaCola will be relasing a hard cover book full with pop culture of the brand, photos, advertisements, social history and film history. The book wont release until May but you can pre order your copy here. Tagged: Art, Book, Coca– …

Publish Date: 01/24/2011 11:28

Todd White Creates First Fine Art Design for Coca Cola!!

This served as my inspiration, both in working with CocaCola and in creating the initial sketches for the project. Any marriage between art and the corporate world is precarious, at best, but in this case I think we have achieved …

Publish Date: 01/21/2011 3:11

Steve Penley’s Coca-Cola Art – Bold, Impassioned & Vivid

In 2008, Coca-Cola Company celebrates the artistic contributions of famed Georgia artist, Steve Penley, by presenting an exhibition of his work at the New World of Coca-Cola in Atlanta. On loan from public and private collectors, the exhibit features…

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