Two 1945 Comic Pin-ups Plus More Comic Pin-ups
Jun 20th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Two 1945 Comic Pin-ups Plus More Comic Pin-ups

1945 Happy Birthday Comic
Pin-up Cartoon
Image by andertoons

1945 Happy Birthday Comic
Pin-up Cartoon
Image by andertoons

Comic Pin-up For Sale

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Color Tattoo Art: Comics. Cartoon. PinUp. Manga. New School

Color Tattoo Art: Comics. Cartoon. PinUp. Manga. New School. by Marisa Kakoulas of Needles & Sins features the work of 42 artists from around the world.

Publish Date: 06/18/2011 14:48

“PinUp” of the Week: Green Lantern Comic-Con Promo Pin « Sports

“PinUp” of the Week: Green Lantern Comic-Con Promo Pin. Posted on June 15, 2011 by rosschrisman2003. Sue me! I'm still in comic book mode. The above pin was a promo during Comic-Con and features the Green Lantern logo.

Publish Date: 06/15/2011 17:53

Jock unveils Joker pinup for upcoming Detective Comics cover

Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment.

Publish Date: 06/01/2011 10:13

Dumm ComicsPinup: Doctor Claire McGee

by Garrison on June 5th, 2011. Comics »; Daily »; Zoo Laffs. It's pinup week, y'all. Today's pinup was inspired by the song Doctor Claire McGee, which is making its worldwide debut right here on Zoo Laffs! Have a listen:

Publish Date: 06/05/2011 0:00

Susan Heidi’s Pinup Art – NY Comic Con 2009

A tribute to my fans who made the NY Comic Con ’09 such a success. Set against the sultry sound of Devil Doll’s “Heart Sized Crush” ( this video captures all that I love about creating pinup art: appreciative fans, retro style, and…

Mineshaft Number 6
Mar 13th, 2010 by Aldouspi

Mineshaft is an independently published magazine that showcases art, comics, and literature bringing you exciting art from some of the world’s greatest artists like R. Crumb, who designed the logos, Kim Deitch, Mary Fleener, Aline Kominsky-Crumb, Jay Lynch, Billy Childish, Robert Armstrong, Andrei Codrescu, Bruce Simon, Sophie Crumb, Ed Piskor, J.R. Helton, Frank Stack, Aaron Lange, Bill Griffith, Christoph Mueller, & More!

It was started in 1999, comes out three times a year, and is printed on offset press. Well worth finding back copies!

Mineshaft Number 6

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