Hey, check out the latest Olivia de Berardinis Pin-up Art auctions: [phpbay]Olivia de Berardinis Pin-up, 21, “”, “”[/phpbay]
Olivia de Berardinis Pin-up Art related articles from the blogosphere…
Shirley of Hollywood Releases Olivia De Berardinis Lingerie Line …
You know our popular “Dress Up Like a Pin –Up ” series, where we pick pin –up pictures and show you which modern-day lingerie to use to recreate the look. But Olivia De Berardinis is taking this one step further, teaming up with Shirley of …
Publish Date: 10/04/2010 1:41
PLAYBOY 's Artist in Residence – Olivia De Berardinis | MuseumViews …
Needless to say, I spent many laborious hours studying my latest subject, the most famous living female Pin Up artist, Olivia de Berardinis . Olivia – as she is simply known to her fans – whom I met earlier this year in Las Vegas, …
Publish Date: 09/15/2010 21:17
Olivia de Berardinis , today's pin –up artist legend | Royal Pin-ups …
Olivia de Berardinis was born in 1948, California but she spent her childhood in the east coast. Her father Sante de Berardinis was.
Publish Date: 09/17/2009 3:26
Just a Little Lovin
Diane Reeves sings Just a Little Lovin’. Olivia De Berardinis’ Pin Up art is a great example of an American Tradition.