Pin-Up Jordan Carver Soothes Bruised Ego and Broken Hearts
Mar 31st, 2012 by Aldouspi

Pin-Up Jordan Carver Soothes Bruised Ego and Broken Hearts

Article by Ruby van Bysterveld

After the inevitable World Cup disappointment or Basketball disappointment, discovering that you have been dumped by your girlfriend (ironically, for spending too much time drinking booze and watching the “game”), could be the last straw. If this sounds like you, then here is a wonderful way to take your mind off the pain, by consoling yourself with pictures of the gorgeous glamour model, pin-up Jordan Carver.

This model has been in the business of relieving relationship pain for men the world over for the last 12 months, and as far as it is possible to ascertain, this is because she has a beautiful face and a wonderful, stacked body.

As a relationship adviser, some people find it a little strange that I will recommend turning to models, such as pin-up Jordan Carver, to overcome feelings of worthlessness and loneliness after being rejected by a girlfriend.

The reason I recommend men, who are nursing anything from a bruised ego to broken heart, to turn to such visual icons is this… It is safer to turn to women who are inaccessible, than to end up in another relationship, just because it feels nice to have company. This is how a large proportion of men, and women, end up in a partnership with someone who they don’t really love.

Apart from being every man’s dream, this glamour model offers a wealth of styles of photo sets, making her one of the most appropriate models to turn to to mend a broken heart… She can be anything from sleazy bar fly in fishnets to a stylish fashion-esque model to a burlesque babe, and she often throws in an erotic shoot here and there, but always in very good pin-up taste. There is no vulgarity with this woman, and no totally nude photos either, making her totally safe for work.

Feeling blue? Check out pin-up Jordan Carver, you day just might brighten up…

Ruby van Bysterveld is a beauty and relationships adviser in the modeling industry.

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